Before you read the rest of this newsletter, scroll down for our expanded section on travel with TBN. We still have space on our inaugural trip to Pittsburgh on Canada Day weekend, and you can now register for an exciting weekend near Goderich on Lake Huron. Plus there are still spaces for Cyclon 2019 in Waterloo, and we have trips to Awenda, Algonquin and Lion's Head.
Are you new to TBN? Attend our new member night
Register now for our July 5 new member night, to be held at the Pilot Stealth Lounge on Cumberland Street. This event, for prospective members and members who joined since September 2018, will be a chance to meet others who are new to the club and learn about TBN rides and special events. Existing members are encouraged to attend and bring a guest. Free snacks. Cash bar. More details on the TBN website.
Join TBN now, get one month free
Guest registration is free during Toronto's Bike Month, giving non-members a chance to try TBN rides without paying the $5 non-member fee. And that's not all. If you join TBN before June 30, we'll offer you a bonus of a free month of membership. Sign up with the promo code tbnonemonthfree. Ride registration is available on the TBN website. Your confirmation email is your ticket to ride: show it to the ride leader on your mobile device or print out a copy and bring it with you to the ride.
Here's how to handle flats
Sign up now for our a special education session from TBN's Flat Tire Gang. The June 26 workshop will tell you all you need to know about replacing your inner tube, and then reinstalling the tire safely. We'll also offer tips on how to minimise flats, all for the bargain price of $5. The session takes place at the Wallace Emerson Community Centre on Dufferin Street, just south of Dupont. More details on the website.
You don't need a car to ride the Ontario countryside.
TBN is offering several out-of-town rides where you can get to your start point by GO train, and then take the train back home at the end of the day. Check the website for more details of these trips: a 60km ride from Niagara Falls to St Catharines on July 6 and a 70km ride from St Catharines to Niagara Falls on August 10.
For more information, please contact Terry Walsh.
Can you help at Cyclon?
The Cyclon committee is looking for sweeps and other volunteers during our August long weekend in Waterloo. We also need volunteers who can help with Friday afternoon registration or set up the after-ride snacks on Saturday and Sunday. Please email if you can help.
Cyclon will feature 15-20 rides over four days, between 40km and 110km. Some routes have been upgraded to reduce traffic and give more information on local attractions. You can expect unique routes with covered bridges, waterfront and off-road trails, country roads, and the chance to share the road with the occasional horse and buggy.
TBN 's annual picnic takes place on August 11 at Toogood Pond in Markham. Choose one of a number of routes to ride to the picnic, and then enjoy a barbecue lunch, courtesy of TBN. Check the website for more details and to register for this always-popular event.
Travel with TBNPittsburg Cycling: June 27-July 1 REGISTER NOWSign up now for our inaugural trip to Pittsburgh, the steel hub that was dubbed Food City of the United States this year. We'll stay in AirBnB accommodation, and enjoy rides hosted by members of a Pittsburgh cycling club, at a price as low as $200 for four nights' accommodation including breakfast. Planned activities include a morning tour of Fallingwater, the over-the-river masterpiece from architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Wending Awenda: July 12-14 ALMOST FULLEnjoy two days of cycling along Georgian Bay, based from the campsite at Awenda Provincial Park. There's hiking and swimming too, and a couple of pancake breakfasts are included in the (very moderate) $40 price. More details on the website. CYCLON: August 2-5 SIGN UP NOWRegistration is open for Cyclon 2019, which takes place in Waterloo. Enjoy three days of riding on quiet country roads, and explore an area of Ontario that many of us don't know that well. Cyclon’s base is Waterloo College Hall at Wilfrid Laurier University, a smoke-free, air-conditioned facility with two sets of elevators on each floor. Goderich Getaway: Aug 23-25 REGISTER BY JULY 2Enjoy a weekend of cycling at Camp Kintail Conference Centre near Goderich on Lake Huron, about a two-hour drive from west end Toronto. You will stay in small ensuite dorm rooms or private rooms for couples, and ride on quiet backroads or to lakeside destinations. Daily riding distances from 50 to 80km. For more information, email More details on the TBN website. Fifteen participants must register by July 2nd for the trip to go ahead. Wolf Den: September 13-15 SIGN UP NOWOur fall trip to Wolf Den nature retreat is open for registration. Enjoy quiet hikes and rides on the edge of Algonquin Park. More details on the website. Fitz Fall hiking: October 18-20 ALMOST FULLEnjoy fall colour hiking on parts of the Bruce Trail from our base at the quaint Fitz Hostel on Lion Head. Register now on the TBN website. New trip ideas?Contact Jeannie at if you have suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN. |
How to handle hills
Our June 22 hands-on workshop on hill climbing is full. Click here to join the waitlist, in case a space opens up before the event. The workshop will offer practical tips on gears, shifting gears and where to position yourself on your bike as you climb.
The Hairshirt, TBN's classic long-distance cycling event, is open for registration. Ride 322 km in a single day, starting and finishing near Square One in Mississauga. Full details, including training tips, are on the TBN website. This year's Hairshirt is on Sunday, June 23, so you have plenty of daylight to complete your marathon adventure.
We're seeking nominations for TBN’s Member of the Month. Please email our team at if you want to nominate a TBN member who went above and beyond the normal call of duty this month. Please include your name, the name of the member you are nominating and what that member did to justify your nomination. The winner gets a $50 gift certificate and the chance to be recognized as Member of the Year.
Seeking feedback on Sunday/Holiday Tourist rides
We're seeking your feedback on how to revive TBN's long (and long-running) Sunday and Holiday Tourist rides, which start from end-of-line subway stations. Minimum speeds will likely be slightly higher than the Urban Roller rides, and distances will range from 70-110 km in two groups: a faster group and a stay-together slower group. Please answer this short questionnaire about your preferences.
During the cycling season, Chain of Events offers a quick summary of some events over the coming weeks and months. Please email the editor at if there are cycling-related items you would like us to add.
June 22: Hill climbing 101
June 23: Hairshirt
June 25: The Flat Tire Gang
June 27-July 1: Pittsburgh cycling weekend
July 5: New members night
July 6: Niagara Falls to St Catharines GO home
July 12-14: Awenda camping/cycling weekend
August 2-August 5: Cyclon in Waterloo
August 10: St Catharines to Niagara Falls GO home
August 11: Toogood Pond picnic
August 23-25: Goderich Getaway
August 24: Toronto Bicycle Music Festival
September 8: Alan Gordon Metric Century ride
September 13-15: Wolf Den cycling/hiking/kayaking weekend
October 18-20: Fitz Hostel fall hiking weekend
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up. That little TTC logo below will help alert you to any subway closures.