Spring Fling 2025

Come to the TBN spring party at 320 Tweedsmuir Avenue.

The event will take place in a stunning condo party room, which includes a large room for dancing, another room for billiards, and a large outdoor patio with a circular fireplace. It's subway accessible as it's only a 3-minute walk from St. Clair West Station (use Heath St. exit/entrance). View the exact location here.

The party takes places Saturday, May 3th at 7 pm and includes a live band and a delicious Middle-Eastern buffet from a family-run caterer. The buffet will include 11 different kinds of appetizers, 5 different main courses, and 5 different desserts. Meat, vegetarian and vegan options will be available.

From 9:30 pm until 11:30 pm, there will be live music from the Junctioneers, who will play a variety of popular music from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Watch the band here.

Note: BYOB and other beverages as only water will be provided. There is a refrigerator in the room where you can keep your beverages. 

When you arrive, enter through the main entrance and ask the concierge for directions to the party room. Street parking should be available (fees may apply), but taking the TTC is recommended.

This event is open to all TBN members. Members may bring one guest. The member and guest cost for the party is $10.

Registration opens on Tuesday, March 18 at 8:00 am.

Click here to register!

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