If you are looking for something to do when the weather is too cool for comfortable cycling, why not join us for some fun and sociable walks. Starting around the beginning of November, we will run a full schedule of City Walks. We will have a walk every Sunday, starting at the usual time of 10:00 AM and, we may also offer some walks on weekdays, if there is sufficient interest.

We will be holding two City Walk planning sessions in September. One in-person, at The Pilot pub (see for details), another on-line using Zoom (see for details), if you would like to contribute some suggestions or ideas, or are just curious about what goes on.

Before the walks start in November, when details are finalized, our fall walk schedule will be posted in the TBN Calendar. These walks will continue until just before Christmas.

City Walks start at various locations in Toronto, and typically:

  • Start at or near a subway station
  • Are about 10 Km in length,
  • Some walks are loops back to the start and sometimes they are end-to-end walks to a different subway station
  • Wherever possible we will have early exits providing shorter distances (often 4 to 6 Km) for those who do not want to do the entire walk
  • And, just like the bike rides everyone is required to register for the walks

In the winter, from the beginning of January until it is nice enough to cycle in the spring, we will offer a more informal program of Winter City Walks, also starting Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM, (and perhaps on some weekdays, too). The start points, end points, and routes will typically not be announced until a few days before the walk. This allows us to select a route appropriate for the expected weather conditions, reflect current events, or other items of interest.

If you have any questions or suggestions, email me at

Looking forward to seeing you on a walk,

John Burdett – City Walk Coordinator

City Walks

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