What we're aboutFreedom Fridays offer out-of-town rides that usually start early to beat the heat. Our start points are usually within an hour's drive from central Toronto, and we start at 8:30am. That's early enough that you can beat most of the rush hour traffic, and then get home before the rush hour traffic builds up again. Our season starts after the May long weekend, and finishes at the end of September. Like the Wednesday Wheelie rides, Freedom Friday rides are Tourist class rides. In fact, we borrow routes from both Wednesday Wheelie and Sunday Country Cruise programs. We offer between two and three routes each week, with most distances between 60km and 80km. All Freedom Friday rides include a Shorter tourist route, and, for those riders looking for a 2nd week day remote start tourist ride, one or more Medium and Long tourist variants. You should be comfortable riding alone or in a small group. We are a friendly group. The Freedom Friday ride leader will ride the Short route when there are cyclists who are new to tourist rides. Please note ride leaders will not bring maps and cue sheets to the Freedom Friday rides. Please print and bring your own, or ask a friend to print them for you. We recommend that you download the RideWithGPS route to your smartphone or your GPS device. Some of Our Popular Shorter/Gentler Tourist Rides
RequirementsYou must wear a helmet to join any TBN ride, and you must register for each event separately. All our events will be open for registration 7 days before the event. Since we do not ride with a "sag-wagon" or a "sweep", riders should be prepared to keep a "Tourist" pace (upwards of 20 kph) so as not to fall behind. Though we try to ensure that all riders have a companion on the route, this isn't always possible and so we ask that all riders come prepared to be self-sufficient. As a minimum, this means they should be able to read maps and fix a flat tire on the side of the road. Guest Riders?Freedom Friday rides are open to TBN members only. If you are not a yet member, check out TBN's 30-Day-Trial membership, where, for $10, you can join and try out as many rides as you want during a 30 day period before committing to a full TBN membership. Freedom Friday/Wednesday Wheelie Program Coordinators:Realizing that the Wednesday Wheelie and Freedom Friday programs had a lot of overlap, the two programs have merged. Our coordinators are:
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