Overnight trips
TBN has three ski trips coming up this winter. Here are some of the details.
Wanakita Ski Weekend
Jan 13-Jan 15
Spend two nights at YMCA Camp Wanakita in the Haliburton Highlands, with activities that include classic cross-country skiing on 25km of groomed trails, as well as snowshoeing, skating and tobogganing. Check the website for details, and to register for this trip.
Wolf Den Ski and Snowshoe
Feb 24-Feb 26
Enjoy an away-from-it-all weekend at the rustic Wolf Den Bunkhouse 'n Cabins near the entrance to Algonquin Park. Enjoy skiing on groomed and wilderness trails, as well as snowshoeing
Feb 24-26
Registration will open soon for our trip to Arrowhead Provincial Park. Watch the website for details.
Contact Janet at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN
Want to walk, skate, hike?
TBN's fall program has started with the first of the city walks, and the hiking program won't be far behind, even as our biking programs continue while the weather cooperates. This Sunday will be the final Urban Rollers ride of the season, but the Sunday Tourist and Wednesday Wheelies continue through November.
And before too long we'll be ready for skating evenings and weekend ski trips, proof that you can enjoy TBN activities all year long. Check TBN's TBNs calendar of events for details.

Party deadline
Thursday is your final day to register for TBN's Annual General Meeting and Dinner Dance, being held at Whistlers Bar and Grill on Broadview Avenue on November 5. Come on out to meet your TBN pals, vote for the new board, recognize the hard-working volunteers and see who won volunteer of the year. You can expect a tasty dinner followed by some great tunes to dance to. Register now.

What about Watts Up?
Compete against other riders on a computer-simulated cycling course at a complimentary session at indoor cycling program Watts Up on November 27. You'll ride your own bicycle, and you can see your cycling metrics, live on the big screen. If you value the fitness you gained over the cycling season and want to be sure not to lose conditioning during the winter, you won't want to miss this opportunity. Click here to register.

Spinning's coming soon
TBN's popular winter spinning program starts on November 23, giving you another chance to work on your off-season cycling fitness. Master spinning instructor Carmen Diges leads our carefully planned sessions, which take place at the Adelaide Club in downtown Toronto. Sign up for eight classes at the bargain price of $90 (plus HST), which includes access to shower facilities, whirlpool, sauna and steam room. Details will be available soon on the TBN website, or you can register with Lauren at the Adelaide Club.
Want more social events?
TBN is already known as the most social cycling club in the GTA, and we're looking for someone to help making it even more social. TBN is seeking a co-director for social events as we try to up the ante and offer more events for your enjoyment. If you like making new friends on rides, hiking, walking or skating and enjoy organizing social events, then please contact Ian at president@tbn.ca.
Wet tracks = danger
We're getting a lot of wet weather in these short, cool fall days, so take extra care of tracks, grates and manhole covers if the streets are wet. We know that you already know to cross the tracks with your front wheel at right angle to the tracks (so not like in the picture below), but don't forget that those tracks are especially dangerous when the road is wet. Sometimes it's safer just to push your bike across the tracks.

Quick Release online
The Fall/Winter edition of Quick Release is now available online -- there is no printed and mailed-out copy. The TBN website has undergone considerable improvements in recent years and is now your primary source for ride and event schedules and all things TBN.
Starting in 2017, Quick Release will become an annual publication to be issued in March, with more of a focus on features and stories, and a preview of the upcoming season. Ride schedules will no longer be printed in Quick Release. TBN is currently seeking an editor for 2017, so if you wish to produce and edit what should become an annual keepsake, please contact publicity@tbn.ca.
Ride with GPS
Most TBN rides are available on Ride with GPS as well as with paper maps and cue sheets. But you can also enjoy benefits of RWGPS premium membership without paying for a premium account? Just click on this link, and follow the instructions. If you already have a RWGPS account, you're good to go. If not, it takes only a minute or two to set up a free account.

As long as the ride is listed in the TBN Club section, you get the following benefits:
- One-click loading of the route to your Garmin device.
- You can customize the layout and font-size of the cue sheet PDF to the way you like it.
- Get turn-by-turn directions from the mobile app on your iPhone or select Android smartphones.
- And you can RSVP to rides.
You must be an active TBN member to get access to the free upgrade. If you have questions, please contact Joey at tourist@tbn.ca.
TBN on the Go
Re-introducing TBN's mobile app. This new app displays all upcoming rides and events and allow you to check the most current details in advance of the event or while on route. If you have any comments or suggestions about the app, please contact TBN's Technical Director Sandra.wong@tbn.ca.
Tell your friends
TBN's home page now features a short video about the club with comments from club members, including people you might know. Have a look and then forward to friends, especially non-members who can then get a flavour for the club.
Check before you ride
Remember to re-visit the TBN website before you head out in case your activity is cancelled or changed at short notice. Coordinators will always put safety first and cancel a ride if weather conditions pose a danger. Schedules and start locations can also change so don't rely on the Quick Release newsletter, which may be out of date.
You do not have to sign up for rides. Just show up at the start point and show your membership card to the ride leader.
Bring a friend; non members pay $5.
And finally, click the TTC link below to learn about weekend closures; you don't want to be late to a TBN event.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.