Overnight Trips
Arrowhead Snow & Snowshoe Weekend Jan 10 - 12 Once again, the Tulip Inn near Huntsville will be the après ski HQ for the Arrowhead Ski & Snowshoe Extravaganza. Enjoy various levels and lengths of ski, snowshoe and hiking trails and then warm up by the fireplace with complimentary mulled apple cider. Meals and refreshments organized all weekend long.
Ottawa Winterlude Jan 30 - Feb 2  Sign up here for a fun-filled weekend during the Ottawa Winterlude Festival. Ski some of the best trails, skate the famous Rideau Canal and participate in Winterlude. Attractions and entertainment includes ice sculptures and outdoor concerts.
Wanakita Snow & Snowshoe Weekend Feb 21 - 23 SOLD OUT Wolf Den Ski & Snowshoe Weekend
Feb 28 - March 2
SOLD OUT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Think ahead
Kentucky Cycling Vacation: May 17-26.
Carpool from Toronto to Lexington, Kentucky to start this loaded cycle tour for a week in May followed by the Horsey Hundred weekend event with the Bluegrass Cycling Club. Registration will soon open.
Contact Jean at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a weekend trip or wish to lead one.
A real Canadian winter!So 2014 got off to a numbingly cold start, with Toronto temperatures close to record lows. Special kudos to the brave souls who ventured outside in that biting weather. Remember to wrap up warm if it gets that cold again and you do go out. Fingers, toes and noses are all particularly prone to frostbite. Of course there were those who didn't let a little frost get in the way of having fun. 
So what do we have to look forward to? Here's a quick summary. Weekend and Overnight Trips
The sold-out success of our two February ski weekends (see the column on the right) shows there's real demand for weekend trips, so we're offering you a chance to help extend the program. A new TBN Weekend Trips Committee is looking for ideas, and for trip leaders for adventures that could include Quebec, Stratford, Mennonite country, New York state or the Trans Canada Trail. If you think you might like to lead a trip, but have not done so before, you could start by being “mentored” by another leader as an assistant on a trip, where you can see how much fun it can be. We are also looking for an experienced leader to lead the Pelee Wheelie cycling/camping trip around Labour Day. Trip leaders have their fees paid by the TBN. Please contact us at weekendtrips@tbn.ca.
TBN Cycling Jersey Contest & Pub Night
The contest to design the new TBN cycling jersey closes on January 20. If you still plan to submit a design, please contact publicity@tbn.ca as soon as possible.
If you win, you race away with two free jerseys!
We will unveil the winning design at a special TBN event on Tuesday February 11 at 7pm at Pauper's Pub on Bloor St W (near Bathurst), and we will have sample shirts on hand to try, so you know what size to order. See the website for more details of this event, where snacks will be provided and where you can also order a full meal from the menu.
Please register in advance to allow TBN to order the correct amount of snacks. Ski Instructor or Ambassador
If you are a keen skier, preferably with CANSI based training, and would like to become a trainee instructor, please email xcski@tbn.ca with your name, experience and telephone number. The ski program is also seeking volunteer ‘ambassadors’ to help new members or beginners during the ski season. Again, please contact xcski@tbn.ca to volunteer.
Upcoming Events Check the web site for our calendar of events, and remember to check in regularly for updates and new events.
Spinning classes continue on Wednesdays and Skating on Fridays. The Cross County Ski & Snowshoe program is under way and now is the time to sign up for bus rides and lessons. Travel in a comfortable highway coach to ski country, then enjoy a rigorous and exhilarating day on the trails. Wasaga Beach and Mansfield are on the schedule for the next two weekends. But check the website, as the destination may change depending on weather conditions. Remember that the weather in ski country is always very different from that in the GTA, so don't let a bit of freezing drizzle get you down. As of February, you will only be able to register the prior Monday, check the ski page for further details.
Education events Cycle Touring Around The World: Organized vs Self Supported - January 14 A well-traveled TBN member will regale us with adventures that will be entertaining, informative and inspiring for all cycling aficionados. Please register here.
How not to become a Wounded Warrior - February 6 This is a special session on how not to get injured, or what to do if you are, and will be of special interest to anyone who is or has been injured, or who wants to be sure they will not be. Please register here.
Unofficial events Be sure to check the TBN Forum for unofficial events organized by TBN members. All members are welcome to organize an unofficial hike, bike ride, ski trip, skate, yoga, pub night or anything at all. You can post details to the Forum and on the TBN Facebook page. In fact, it looks like there might be a city walk this weekend.
Don't forget the discounts
Even if we're far from biking weather, for most of us, there are still deals at bike stores around the GTA, so look at the retailers and services that offer discounts to TBN members. Participants include local bike shops, and services such as tours, training sessions as well as beautiful cycling artwork, or a subscription to Pedal Magazine. Please support the businesses that support TBN. Tips and Training
TBN's ever expanding Education program includes helpful tips about events we sponsor and support, as well as tips and events on things like travel and staying fit. If you have suggestions for the Education page or ideas for events, please contact education@tbn.ca.
City of Toronto staff is recommending that E-scooters be permitted in painted bike lanes, which may put some of our members in danger during TBN rides. As such, Joey Schwartz, TBN Advocacy Director, will be presenting our opposition to this proposal to the relevant committee. We urge TBN members to express your concerns to your local councillor. Please read the report here and/or contact Joey at advocacy@tbn.ca for further information.
London has big (expensive) bike lane plans. Anyone taking bets on whether any of them might actually go ahead?
Have a wonderful January. The days are already getting longer. Winter will be over before you know it.