Overnight trips
TBN has three ski trips coming up this winter. Here are some of the details.
Wanakita Ski Weekend
Jan 13-Jan 15
There's still space on our January ski trip, based at YMCA Camp Wanakita in the Haliburton Highlands. Activities include classic cross-country skiing on 25km of groomed trails, as well as snowshoeing, skating and tobogganing. Check the website for details, and to register for this trip.
Wolf Den Ski and Snowshoe WAITLIST
Feb 24-Feb 26
Our weekend trip to the rustic Wolf Den Bunkhouse 'n Cabins near the entrance to Algonquin Park is full. But you can still go to the online signup page to put your name on the waiting list.
Arrowhead Feb 24-26
Registration is open for our ski and snowshoe extravaganza to Arrowhead Provincial Park, based at the Tulip Inn in Huntsville. Sign up early, as the inn will start selling rooms to other customers on January 1.
Contact Jeannie at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN

Happy Holidays

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas, and a very happy New Year, with many enjoyable miles on beautiful bikes.
Who knows -- maybe there will even be a new bicycle under the tree. And perhaps an ugly Christmas bicycle sweater to go with it.
The gift of your time
What about offering TBN a present for 2017 -- the gift of your time as a volunteer. There are several opportunities out there, including someone who will help organize the volunteers, as well as someone to share the job of social director, as we try to ramp up the events we offer for your off-bike enjoyment. If you want to help, or have ideas for TBN, please contact Ian Rankin at president@tbn.ca. See below for more details of volunteer opportunities -- we're also looking for people to help with Cyclon and with the ride program.
Stay fit
We all know it's a challenge to stay in biking shape as the days get short and cold, so take a look at our weekend ski trips, or our weekly spinning or skating sessions as ways to give your legs the workout they need during the winter months. Check the TBN website for details.
Thinking about next year
Delighted to say that it's only just over three months to the start of the TBN cycling season, with Sunday Tourist and Wednesday Wheelie rides already scheduled for the end of March. Dave Mader, TBN's director of touring, is hosting a coordinators' meeting on January 9. If riders or ride leaders have suggestions, or ideas about next year's cycling programs, please email your ride coordinator ahead of that date.
Here are the names:
Dave is also looking for a co-director for this year, in particular someone who can help him organize the April 6 ride leaders' workshop. The workshop is for those who are interested in leading a TBN ride, and as a refresher for those who already do so. Contact Dave at touring@tbn.ca if you are interested. New this year: ride leaders will have a chance to sign up for the 2017 rides they want to lead. Bring your phone/daytimer/calendar, or whatever else you use to organize your daily and weekly schedule.
Help with Cyclon
The Cyclon team is looking for volunteers to help organize the 2017 event, which will again take place in Kingston over the August long weekend. You can expect to attend a monthly Cyclon planning committee meeting, which normally lasts about two hours, plus an additional 2-3 hours a month of volunteer time as you help with the coordination needed to develop a fun and exciting Cyclon. Contact Andrea and RJ at cyclon@tbn.ca for more info.
Quick Release Newsletter - Was that the final issue?
The Fall/Winter edition of Quick Release is now available online. However, this may be the final issue as there is currently no editor in place.
We encourage one or two TBN members to show us their creative chops and ensure Quick Release is published in 2017. The plan is for Quick Release to become an annual publication to be issued in March, with a focus on features and stories, and a preview of the upcoming season. Ride schedules will no longer be printed in Quick Release. Please contact publicity@tbn.ca to volunteer.
All those last minute Christmas shopping deals
As always, we encourage you to check out TBN's partner stores and service providers for special deals and discounts on bicycle-related swag.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.