Overnight trips
Take your cycling season to a new level with these great TBN overnight trips.
June 17-18
Registration is closed for our annual overnight trip to Niagara Falls, with options for metric or imperial century rides on two successive days.
June 24-26
Presqu'ile Prescription
Time now to register for our camping trip to scenic Prince Edward County, starting from Presqu'ile Provincial Park. Included are two pancake breakfasts and provisions for two sandwich lunches. Saturday night dinner will be potluck. The cost is $40 for TBN members and $45 for non-members.
July 29 - August 1

Cylon, TBN's flagship weekend event, takes place in historic Kingston, with rides, meals and a fabulous banquet. Click here for details; it's close to selling out.
August 19-21
Rock Point Relaxer
Our second 2016 camping trip gives you the chance to cycle along the Lake Erie shoreline, starting from Rock Point Provincial Park. Just like the Presqu’ile trip, two pancake breakfasts and provisions for two lunches will be provided, while the Saturday night dinner will be potluck. The cost is $40 for TBN members and $45 for non-members. Click here to register.
October 7-10
Thanksgiving in the County
Registration opens on Wednesday for our Thanksgiving weekend in Prince Edward County. Stay in a charming country inn in the small village of Milford, surrounded by the natural beauty of “the County,” with great rides, and options for a gourmet Thanksgiving dinner.
Check the website to register for this trip.
Contact Janet at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.
Get your jerseys NOW
As you'll remember from previous Chain of Events newsletters, our supplier has changed its order rules for the ever popular TBN jerseys, and that forced us to suspend sales for a few months earlier this year while we built up a waiting list.
We're delighted to say that the waiting period is over. We've reached the minimum order, and sales are resuming for a brief period -- you have until June 20 to place your order for a jersey, vest or jacket.
Click here by June 20 to order and you should have your jersey before Cyclon weekend end of July. If you miss this deadline, you can join a new wait-list, but the delivery date will be unknown.
Charlie's is calling
Join us on the evening of June 23 at Charlie's FreeWheels for a tour of their space and hear about the impact that TBN has made in the lives of young people. You'll see a brief slideshow of pictures from the last year, paired with some stories about the impact the program has had on the lives of the kids who participated. Past participants of the program will speak as well. Social gathering with light refreshments afterwards. Check the TBN website for details.

The hard, hard Hairshirt ride
Join the hardcore brigade on June 26 for TBN's classic double century, from Toronto to Niagara Falls and back. The group departs Square One (Duke of York Blvd and Burnhamthorpe Rd) at 6:00 AM, and you have until midnight to complete the 322km ride. A set of lights is mandatory for those participants who finish after dusk (past the 13.5 hour mark).
Click here to register for the ride, and here for more details on what Hairshirt is all about, including training tips.

Remembering Jocelyn

TBN learned with sadness of the death of Canadian cycling great Joycelyn Lovell on Friday, June 3. Jocelyn welcomed a group of 30 TBN members into his home last year for a special education event, where he shared stories about his life. "It was magical for all of us," writes past president Arlene Smith. "He shared stories about his racing success, and the road-blocks he had to overcome. His success in cycling and in life came from his focus on what was important."
In lieu of flowers, TBN is making a donation in memory of Jocelyn to the Canadian Spinal Cord Society, a cause that was very dear to Jocelyn -- he was its Canadian president and coordinator.
If you wish to make your own donation in memory of Jocelyn, please visit: www.scsus.org.
Save a picnic date

Catch up with old friends and meet new ones at TBN's popular summer barbecue at TooGood Pond in Unionville on August 7. We'll have a range of rides to the picnic site, and then you'll have plenty of time to eat, drink and chat. Please register ahead of time, so we know how much food to order. Click here for more details.
Volunteer for volunteers
TBN is looking for someone who can act as a volunteer coordinator, to work closely with the board and with all those wonderful TBN members who want to volunteer, but who may not be quite sure how to help. We need someone to match our volunteers to the tasks that need to be done. Please contact Ian Rankin at president@tbn.ca for more information.
And what else do volunteers get? Free stuff!
The previous issue of Chain of Events offered our hard working volunteers a chance to win either a free pass worth $200 to Epic Tour, or a $50 bike shop gift certificate. We are proud to announce two winners of each. Participating in Epic Tour will be Mary Newman and Adam Hotchin. Going on a shopping spree at a local bike shop are Andrea Culver and Rein Suurallik.
Congratulations once again to our great TBN volunteers. We'll offer more prize draws for volunteers later this year and in future years.
And members win too.....
TBN paired up with Velofix, Toronto's bike repair shop on wheels to offer a grand prize to a TBN member -- a Veloofix visit to your workplace for a one-hour session on basic maintenance and safety tips for you and your workmates.
Congratulations to Albert Wong. No doubt he'll be named employee of the month at his workplace!
Once again, it pays to be a TBN member! Paceline riding tips
Some of the faster "Tourists" enjoy riding in a paceline. It speeds up the pace and conserves energy. Pacelines are also popular on Wednesday Wheelies and Country Cruises. Find tips here on the Education page of the TBN website. If you end up in a paceline but are unsure what to do, mention it to one of the more experienced cyclists and they'll be happy to guide you along.
TBN on the Go
Re-introducing TBN's mobile app. This new app displays all upcoming rides and events and allow you to check the most current details in advance of the event or while on route. If you have any comments or suggestions about the app, please contact TBN's Technical Director Sandra.wong@tbn.ca.
Get there with GPS
As you may recall, TBN has a club account with Ride With GPS (RWGPS), which means TBN members can enjoy all the benefits without paying for a premium account. All you need to do is click on this link, and follow the instructions. If you already have a RWGPS account, you're good to go. If not, it takes only a minute or two to set-up a free account.
As long as the ride is listed in the TBN Club section, you will get the following benefits:
- One-click loading of the route to your Garmin device.
- Customize the layout and font-size of the cue sheet PDF to the way you like it.
- Get turn-by-turn directions from the mobile app on your iPhone or select Android smartphones.
- RSVP to rides.
You must be an active TBN member to be granted access to the free upgrade. If you have questions, please contact Joey at tourist@tbn.ca.
Are you up to date?
Last month, an important email was sent to all "Tourists" about an earlier start time for summer rides. This was a good reminder for everyone to check your profile on the TBN website to ensure its up to date. If you move, or change any other information including email address, phone number, emergency contacts, please take a couple of minutes to edit your profile and check-off or update the activities and rides you typically do. You can check multiple boxes, for example: Tourist, Wednesday Wheelie, Country Cruise, Urban Roller. Log on to your account, click your name at the top right of the screen, and edit away. Please also ensure you have checked off the box for Terms & Conditions.
On your profile, you can also offer to volunteer.
Save with TBN
Dozens of firms, stores and services offer discounts to TBN members, so look at the list here and remember to mention TBN when you shop for gear. Bike Depot just joined the list, with two locations in the GTA.
Remember to re-visit the TBN website before you head out in case your activity is cancelled or changed on short notice. Coordinators will always put safety first and cancel a ride if weather conditions pose a danger. Schedules and start locations can also change so don't rely on the Quick Release newsletter.
You do not have to sign up for rides. Just show up at the start point and show your membership card to the ride leader.
Bring out a friend; non members pay $5.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.