CANCELLED: TBN Night At Charlie's FreeWheels

  • 23 Jun 2016
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • CANCELLED: 242.5 Queen St E Toronto, ON M5A 1S3 (Just east of Sherbourne Street)


  • TBN Night where our members get to see what Charlie's about and why we have supported it over the years.

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CANCELLED: TBN Night at Charlie's Freewheels

Join us at Charlie's FreeWheels for some light refreshments, a tour of the programming space and some stories about the impact that TBN's support has made in the lives of young people. 

A  brief slideshow of pictures from the last year, paired with some stories about the impact on the lives of our kids that we've seen in the program. Past participants of the program will speak as well. Social gathering afterwards.

TBN has sponsored Charlie's both financially and with volunteers over the past few years. They do outreach with youths from Regent Park and introduce them to cycling by helping them build their own bike and then teaching them to ride using CAN-BIKE principles for safe and effective cycling.

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