Overnight trips
Get a jump start on cycling season with the first of TBN's Spring/Summer trips. See below for details of the TBN adventure in Kentucky, just a day's drive from Toronto.
May 21 - May 30: Kentucky
Registration is open for Marie & Dinsmore's spring cycling adventure in Kentucky. Sign up now for 9 days of riding on quiet rural roads, with a SAG wagon to carry your gear from one motel to the other. If you have questions, please contact dinsmore99@gmail.com

May 20 - May 23
Niagara Hike and Bike
If you don't have time for Kentucky, what about this exciting adventure in Niagara-on-the-Lake? You can hike through paved trails and bike along quiet roads. This region is often the warmest part of Ontario, so enjoy a slightly early spring.
Click here to register.
Contact Janet at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.

TBN is excited to welcome all the new members who signed up at the bike show last weekend, as well as those who joined before and after the show. We are looking forward to meeting you on our rides this season. Lets all greet our new members and visitors throughout the season and show them why TBN is known across the region as a friendly and social club! We also hope you enjoy your first issue of Chain of Events email, please read on...
Are you ready to ride?
The snow is just about gone, and the cyclists are back. It's a good time to check over your bike and make sure all is good for the coming season. Are your tires worn, do you need to change gear cables or brake pads? And what about the chain? If you've got several seasons wear out of a single chain you might need to replace the chain, and perhaps even the cassette as well. Spring tune-up slots at bike shops always fill up fast at this time of year, so book a session now if you're not comfortable doing your own repairs. In fact, check here for the shops that provide discounts to TBN members.
TBN's first official ride of the season is scheduled for Sunday March 20, the Kick-off Tourist ride from Finch station to Unionville.
Travel with TBN
Let TBN plan your bicycle vacations this year with our very popular Spring and Summer trips. Two adventures are already open for registration -- an extended week in lush, green Kentucky, and an extended weekend in the Niagara peninsula. See the sidebar for details.

Test ride the Milton Velodrome - This Sunday
You've seen pictures of the daredevil cyclists spinning round the track at the Milton Velodrome. Now we're offering you an opportunity to take a spin. Click here to register for this special two-hour session this Sunday, March 13. The registration fee includes instruction, bike rental and taxes, as well as this amazing chance to experience the sensation of 42-degree banked bends!
Capacity is limited so sign up now.

Last chance to be a Cyclon star
We've extended the deadline to design a new Cyclon logo to March 31, so you can still make your mark on our flagship event, which turns 30 this year. The winner will receive a $100 credit towards your Cyclon adventure.
Your winning design should be in postscript, so it can be used in large and small sizes on leaflets, banners and other materials. To submit your logo, email cyclon@tbn.ca, with the subject heading "Cyclon logo contest."
This year's Cyclon takes place in beautiful Kingston over the August long weekend; registration will open in April.
Lead a ride
TBN's annual ride leaders clinic is coming up on April 7, giving seasoned leaders a refresher in how to lead a ride, and offering guidance to those wishing to volunteer. We encourage all ride leaders to register for this event, and we welcome new leaders too. Check the website for details. Contact Dave Mader at touring@tbn.ca if you have questions.
Quick Release Spring is here

TBN's thrice yearly magazine is now available for download. Check out the articles of recent trips and adventures, read more about Cyclon 2016 and get a sneak preview of the group rides scheduled between March and June. When reviewing the ride schedules, always check the website the day before because details may have changed by then.
Lets's car pool
TBN offers what we are now calling "urban" rides, which begin in Toronto, usually near a subway station or in the downtown core, or a major area like High Park. TBN also offers "rural" rides that begin in the country, notably on Wednesdays and Sundays. Many members lack cars to reach the starting points of rural rides, and so the website includes a TBN Forum for members to post both offers and requests for a ride. You can post at tbn.ca/carpool. You must be logged in to your TBN account to post to the Forum.
Download or print your map
Route maps for most TBN rides are available on the website, and while ride leaders will likely have some copies available, it's always best to print out your map before you leave home. And if you have a Garmin or other GPS gadget, you can download the route straight to your device, and let the gizmo beep at you if you end up taking a wrong turn.
Get your jersey
Sales of the very popular TBN cycling jerseys, jackets and vests continue, with a wide range of items available.

We need 10 orders to start a production run, and then it's about 5-7 weeks delivery, so you can have your new jersey this Spring.
Details here.
Housekeeping points
Don't forget to update your profile on the TBN website to be sure you're up to date on the rides you typically do. Sometimes an important email is sent only to those people who checked a certain ride program box (eg news about a Saturday Morning Ride may be sent to those who check off that box). Log on to your account, click "view profile" at the top right of the screen, and edit away.
This is also where you can offer to volunteer. As you know, TBN relies on volunteers for all its activities. If you can help, please complete that section. _____________________________________________________________________________
Remember to re-visit the TBN website before you head out in case your activity is cancelled on short notice. Coordinators will always put safety first and cancel a ride if weather conditions pose a danger.
You do not have to sign up for rides. Just show up at the start point and show your membership card to the ride leader.
Bring out a friend; non members pay $5
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.