Weekend Trips are being renamed Overnight Trips. Why? Well, because not all of these great trips are on the weekend; some are week long. The name change will roll out slowly.
The current schedule of Overnight Trips are sold out. Watch this space for more great trips to be announced soon.Wanakita Snow & Snowshoe Weekend
Feb 21 - 23SOLD OUT Contact Frank Remiz at wanakita@tbn.ca to join the waiting list.
Wolf Den Ski & Snowshoe Weekend
Feb 28 - March 2SOLD OUT
Spring ForwardKentucky Cycling Vacation:
May 17-26.
SOLD OUT Contact Dinsmore at dinsmore99@gmail.com to join the waiting list.
Contact Jean at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a weekend or week-long trip or wish to lead one as we seek to extend this very popular TBN program. Possible adventures could include Quebec, Stratford, Mennonite country and New York State. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN. And a reminder that we are looking for an experienced leader for the Pelee Wheelie cycling/camping trip over Labour Day weekend. Contact Jean if you can help.
Ready to ride?The first rides of 2014 are just over a month away, so it's time to at least think about pumping up tires, digging the bike gear out of storage and retiring the trainer. And while you're at it, why not put in your order for the new TBN cycling jersey at the special early bird price of $40. You know you want it - see below for details.
As always, check the website for our calendar of events, and remember to check in regularly for updates and new events. Here are a few things to watch for.
TBN Cycling Jersey
In just the first few days, TBN has sold 50 of our new cycling jerseys, with Robin Silverstein's contest-winning cool bicycle cog design.

The first orders went into production on Monday for delivery in mid April, and a second order will go into production in early March for delivery in May. From then on, every 10 orders will trigger another production run, with about eight weeks between when the production run starts and delivery.
Until March 31, the new jersey is available to members at the almost giveaway price of just $40! But why wait that long. Order now to shorten your wait time, and to improve your chance of winning a prize by being photographed on a TBN ride in your new jersey.
(Special note: The online store may be closed temporarily between production runs; if so, just check back every day or so until the store re-opens.)

Bike Show time We're just over a week away from The Toronto International Bicycle Show, where you'll find a TBN booth as well as exhibits from bike shops, manufacturers, tour operators and much more.
For the first time, TBN is also hosting a seminar series during the show, offering 20-minute information sessions on topics ranging from flat tire fixes to camping and GO Train excursions. Take a look at the Education Page for the tentative schedule.
TBN is also, as always, seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help out at the booth and greet visitors for a three-hour shift. Volunteers will get free admission to the show. Please contact publicity@tbn.ca for more information.
Bicycle Touring - February 19
You've still got time to hurry along to our latest education session, Bicycle Touring Around the World, where Carl Friesen and Paul Stockton, two of TBN's most experienced TBN cycle-tourists, will offer their takes on planning and undertaking cycling trips in Canada and abroad. What do you book ahead of time, what do you take, how much should you pack, and do you want to camp or stay in a hotel? The event takes place on February 19 at the Bloor/Gladstone Library at 1101 Bloor St West. Please register here.
RemindersRide coordinators
Here are the ride coordinators for the 2014 TBN cycling season. The rides, whether in the city or outside it, offer a wide range of cycling options, from the very gentle to extremely strenuous indeed. The rides offer a perfect chance to meet up with fellow TBN members, and to stay fit ahead of longer trips like Cyclon, Niagara Falls, and other adventures.
For this season we will post maps of all TBN rides on the website so you can preview or print before the ride. We also aim to put all rides online at www.RideWithGPS.com. If you have a GPS unit, you can download the route and the cue sheet. TBN is seeking "map makers" to input our existing paper maps into RideWithGPS. Please contact Dave at wedwheelie@tbn.ca to help.
Signing up
You must register for events and trips through the TBN web site and pay with Visa, MasterCard, PayPal or with an e-cheque (by providing banking information to PayPal on a one-off basis), although as a last resort you can also mail a cheque to the TBN office. You do not have to be a PayPal member to pay through the PayPal site. Day ski trips are the only exception. You pay for the bus in advance, but pay cash for the trail pass fee.
CancellationsTBN wants to maximize the number of people who can sign up for trips and events, so the club has introduced a nominal cancellation fee for anyone who signs up for a paid event but later cancels. This helps those who want to register, but cannot do so because the event appears to be sold out, and it helps offset administrative costs. The cancellation fee varies by event and will be indicated as you register. This policy does not apply to free events like Education, Spring Kick-off and the summer Picnic. If TBN cancels an event, you will receive a full refund and there will be no cancellation fee. Discounts, offers and spring madness saleCyclepath Toronto, one of many GTA retailers and services that offer discounts to TBN members, is having a spring madness sale from March 1-8, with 30 percent off everything in the store. Cyclepath is one of a growing number of participants in the discount program, which give you a chance to save money on bikes and accessories, as well as services such as tours, training sessions or a subscription to Pedal Magazine. Organizers of the Epic Tour Halton are offering TBN members a $25 discount to register for their Sept. 7 ride, which offers routes of up to 170km in a GTA Gran Fondo. Register before March 11th to get a personalized PwC Epic Tour Biemme Jersey with your name, and country flag of your choice on the side panels (not included in the 50K or 10K Family events), and use the code TBN2014 to get your discount.
Tips and TrainingTBN's ever-expanding Education Program includes helpful tips about events we sponsor and support, as well as tips and events on things like travel and staying fit. If you have suggestions for the Education page or ideas for events, please contact education@tbn.ca. Everything elseCheck the calendar of events for everything that's coming up.Spinning classes continue on Wednesdays, Skating on Fridays, and Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe trips on weekends.
Unofficial eventsBe sure to check the TBN Forum for unofficial events organized by TBN members. All members are welcome to organize an unofficial hike, bike ride, ski trip, skate, yoga, pub night or anything at all. You can post details to the Forum and on the TBN Facebook page. ___________________________ DiversionsFor the latest must-have bicycle gizmo, take a look at the Laserlight, which not only lights up the road ahead of you, but projects a green image of a bicycle onto the pavement, to give you an extra chance of being seen. We have no clue if it works as advertised, but it does look cool. 