Winter tripsWanakita Snow & Snowshoe Weekend
Feb 21 - 23SOLD OUT Contact Frank Remiz at to join the waiting list.
Wolf Den Ski & Snowshoe Weekend
Feb 28 - March 2SOLD OUT
Spring ForwardKentucky Cycling Vacation:
May 17-26.
Carpool from Toronto to Lexington, Kentucky to start this loaded cycle tour for a week in May followed by the Horsey Hundred weekend event with the Bluegrass Cycling Club. Registration opened January 23.
Contact Jean at if you have any suggestions for a weekend trip or wish to lead one as we seek to extend the program of weekend trips. Possible adventures could include Quebec, Stratford, Mennonite country, New York State. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN. And a reminder that we are looking for an experienced leader to lead the Pelee Wheelie cycling/camping trip around Labour Day. Contact Jean if you can help.
Embrace that winterHard to believe we are into February already, which means March comes next and then spring, and summer. It's not that we don't like winter, but this has been a cold one, which makes it seem particularly long. Best way to handle winter is to make the best of it and get out and about, just like these happy TBN'ers were doing. 
What else do we have to look forward to? Coming right up:
Check the web site for our calendar of events, and remember to check in regularly for updates and new events. Here are a few things to watch for.
Leisure Wheeler brainstorming
Leisure Wheeler riders, and anyone interested in the program, are invited to a planning meeting this coming Thursday to help map out the schedule for 2014. The meeting takes place at Tim Hortons at Yonge and Davisville at 730pm on Thursday February 6, 2014, and is open to any active TBN member. Please email ride coordinator Jamie Hauyon at if you have questions, suggestions or comments.
But be warned -- you may want to to be in two places at once. Thursday is also the night for the latest Education session, a special seminar on dealing with injuries, or not getting them in the first place. See the education section below for details.
TBN Cycling Jersey Pub Night....and the winner is.....
The unveiling of the new TBN cycling jersey is less than a week away. The selection committee met Monday night and agonized over 13 incredible and distinctive designs before choosing a winner. We congratulate Robin Silverstein for winning the design contest, but want to send out a special note of appreciation to Sharon Chadwick, Patrick Li, Mick O'Meara, James Wilson and Rob Woodman for making the selection process extremely challenging. If only everyone could win!
See your TBN friends at our "Fit Kit" Pub Night where we will unveil the winning design, award Robin her prize voucher of two free jerseys, and give you a chance to catch up on who has been doing what. The event takes place Tuesday February 11 at 7pm at Pauper's Pub on Bloor St W (near Bathurst), and we will have sample (non-designed) jerseys on hand so you can figure out what size to order. We will explain the process of how to order a jersey at this event, as well as on the website, and in future emails.
This is a free event (you pay for your own drinks, of course), but please register in advance so we can order the correct amount of snacks, courtesy of TBN. Great skiing conditions
TBN's weekend ski trips offer you regular excursions by comfortable coach to ski country, so check the ski page for details of our next trips, and sign up online. Let someone else worry about busy roads or poor driving conditions, and enjoy your day on the trails.
Remember that registration for one-day ski and snowshoe trips now opens the Monday before a trip, so you can check the weather and your schedules before you sign up. The deadline to sign up without extra fees is Thursday at midnight -- after that, your registration is considered final, and there will be no refunds. The only exception is when TBN cancels the trip, in which case registrants will get a full refund. And further ahead?Ready to ride
TBN is ready to roll with a full slate of ride coordinators for the 2014 biking season. These are the hard-working people who organize the ride schedules and make sure club members know when to meet, where to meet, and most importantly, where to ride. They lead some rides, and they find volunteers to lead the other ones.
These rides, whether in the city or outside it, offer a wide range of biking options, from very gentle to extremely strenuous indeed. They are your perfect chance to meet up with fellow TBN members, and to keep fit ahead of longer trips like Cyclon, the Niagara Falls rides and other weekend adventures.
Here are the coordinators:
A warm welcome to Mike Gurski for Friday Night Rides, and Ron Wilson and Dave Mader as co-coordinators for Wednesday Wheelies. Joey Schwartz has moved from the Friday rides to the Tourist rides and will organize a kickoff meet and greet party in March. Watch the web site for details.
For the upcoming season we will post all TBN rides on the web site so you can print your own map before you ride. We also aim to put all rides online at, so you can scout out the route ahead of time and see where the hills are. Here's an example from last year's Hairshirt ride -- all 322 km of it. If you have a GPS unit, you can download the route and the cue sheet and the gizmo will tell you where to go. (Or, you can simply print and bring your own copy)
To ease the digital transition, TBN is looking for "map makers" to input our existing paper maps into the RideWithGPS system. It's not difficult once you've figured out a few quirks, but it does take time. Please contact Dave at if you think you might be able to help.
Sign-up systems
To help the busy volunteers who organize events and administer the club, you can now only register for events and trips through the TBN website. No more mailing in of forms, or calling someone to give your name. Secure and convenient payment is through Visa, MasterCard, your PayPal account or with an e-cheque (by providing banking information to PayPal on a one-time basis). You do not have to be a PayPal member to pay through the PayPal site. As a last resort, you can mail cheques to TBN, but you must send your cheque and a note to the TBN office and not to the organizer directly.
Day ski trips are the only exception: You pay for the bus online in advance, but pay in cash for the trail pass fee on the bus.
Cancellation policyTBN wants to maximize the number of people who can sign up for trips and events and ensure they get a spot. To help, the club is introducing a nominal cancellation fee for anyone who signs up for a paid event but later cancels. This helps those who truly want to register, but are unable to do so because the event appears to be sold out, and also helps offset administrative costs. The cancellation fee varies by event and will be indicated in the registration process. This policy only applies to paid events, not free events like Education, Spring Kick-off, Picnic and others. However, If TBN cancels the event, you will receive a full refund and there will be no cancellation fee. Don't forget the discounts
Retailers and services across the GTA offer discounts to TBN members. Participants include local bike shops, and services such as tours, training sessions as well as beautiful cycling artwork, or a subscription to Pedal Magazine. Please support the businesses that support TBN. Tips and TrainingTBN's ever expanding Education Program includes helpful tips about events we sponsor and support, as well as tips and events on things like travel and staying fit. If you have suggestions for the Education page or ideas for events, please contact AdvocacyToronto’s public works committee decided to defer the issue of E-scooters using bicycle lanes until the province refines its definition of E-bikes. The city suggests it be refined to comprise two categories:
- Moped-like E-scooters that are primarily motor-powered, with occasional human power to assist
- Pedelecs that are mainly people-powered, with a motor assist that only works when the cyclist pedals.
The committee also recommends to council that only kids under 14 may ride on the sidewalk, closing a loophole that allowed adults to ride on sidewalks if they had bikes with 24-inch wheels or smaller. The decisions go before full council February 19. Contact Joey Schwartz at for further information. Everything elseCheck the calendar of events for everything that's coming up.Spinning classes continue on Wednesdays, Skating on Fridays, and Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe trips on weekends.
How not to become a Wounded Warrior - February 6
This is a special session on how not to get injured, or what to do if you are, and will be of special interest to anyone who is or has been injured, or who wants to be sure they will not be. Please register here. Bicycle Touring Around the World - February 19 Carl Friesen and Paul Stockton, two of TBN's most experienced TBN cycle-tourists, will offer their takes on planning and undertaking cycling trips in Canada and abroad. What do you book ahead of time, what do you take, how much should you pack? (Hint: kitchen sinks don't fit in the average pannier), Please register here. Unofficial eventsBe sure to check the TBN Forum for unofficial events organized by TBN members. All members are welcome to organize an unofficial hike, bike ride, ski trip, skate, yoga, pub night or anything at all. You can post details to the Forum and on the TBN Facebook page.
DiversionsNow I know what to do with those old bicycle chains. And I think I can be relatively confident that this one won't be snapping at my heels on a midsummer Country Cruise. 