is close to sold out, book now

Less than 25 tickets remain to the premier cycling event of the season. Click here for details, or go straight to the registration page. Don't delay; Cyclon sold out quickly last year and looks to be even better this year!
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Presqui'le Prescription - July 5-7
A long-time TBN camping favourite in Prince Edward County; check here for details!
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Waterloo Wramble - August 16-18
A great looking mid August weekend with accommodations at Laurier, check here for details - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tecumseth Tranquilizer - Sept 13-14
Book soon for this September camping trip just north of the GTA, details here.
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Other new trips are in the works, but we would love to hear from you about trip ideas, or if you'd like to organize a trip, or get on the trips planning committee - even better!. Your feedback and discussion on existing trips and new trips is vital to the program. Contact Brenda at weekendtrips@tbn.ca. |
Greetings & Happy Canada Day 
June was once again an event-filled month that required perseverance with all sorts of weather conditions. Many TBN members completed the TNTO through some heavy precipitation and the TNT Hairshirt occurred on one of the hottest June days on record, read more about it here.
Lots more coming up including our annual Canada Day rides, so check here for an updated ride and events calendar.
Day Trips
This year, TBN is offering new day trips in the Niagara region:
On July 6, there is a superbly organized Tour of the Niagara Region, starting at the train station in St. Catharines.
Another new Easy Roller ride takes place July 27 that is an excursion from Burlington to Niagara Falls. The 'ER' ride is a warm-up for the annual Toronto-Niagara-GO Home on August 17, that begins downtown and ends at a restaurant in Niagara Falls, followed by a GO train ride back home.

The June - August 2013 Quick Release newsletter issue was recently posted online under About TBN. Read about some of your fellow TBN members, see the TBN ride schedules and special events during the summer, learn how to make your own protein bars, and much more.
For those of you who opted in, you should have received your Quick Release newsletter in the mail by now. If not, check your profile to confirm you did actually opt in for a copy to be mailed to you. If your profile does in fact show that you opted in but you did not receive the mailing, then please contact newsletter@tbn.ca.
It's Contest Time...
Answer the following question to win a $25 gift certificate from our good friends at Cyclepath Norco Yonge Eglinton: What is the name of the company that Doran used when cycling in Northern Spain (hint: Read the Summer Quick Release).
Send your answers by Sunday, June 30, at 6pm to contest@tbn.ca; a winner will be drawn and announced in the next issue of Chain of Events and on the TBN Facebook page. Remember that you must be a current TBN member to win a prize.
Upcoming EventsTBN offers rides every Friday, Saturday, Sunday (up to five rides), Tuesday and two rides on Wednesday. Check out the upcoming calendar of events and remember to check regularly for updates and new events.
Further, Faster, Stronger: Improve Your Cycling Skills & Group Riding Techniques - July 6 Get the low-down on group riding. Learn advanced techniques like gear shifting, standing in a group, echelons, and more. An 85 km ride will follow. This program is designed for the intermediate to advance cyclist and only has 10 spots, 9 of which are now filled. Details here
Stretching Exercises
Check out some great exercises on the Education page of the website.
TBN Cycling Jerseys for Sale A few females sizes left at only $50; contact Brian at pastpres@tbn.ca if interested.
The TBN website is a great resource

Remember to send your ride photos to photoadmin@tbn.ca so that all TBN'ers can enjoy the pics on the TBN photo gallery on Flickr.
The Retailer and Services Discount Program provides TBN members with DISCOUNTS at participating businesses including the following bikes shops: Cyclethpath Yonge/Eglinton, Gears (all three locations), Browns, La Bicicletta, Urbane, Pedal Performance, The Bike Store and Silent Sports. Services include rentals, tours, fitness, courses, events and art andthere is also a special offer from one of our partners: Pedal Magazine. If your favourite shop or service is not on the list, tell them about the discount program and encourage them to contact TBN to sign up.
What can you do? Log in, click view profile and then edit profile; if you do not recall your password, then click forgot password.
Look down the list and start filling in some of the blanks and checking off some of the boxes, notably:
- Types of Rides
- Ride Classifications
- Terms & Conditions
- Quick Release Newsletter
By indicating the types of rides you participate in, you can be informed of any last minute change of plans e.g. cancellation due to rain.

Check here for upcoming TTC Route Diversions
A behind-the-scenes peek at a TBN favourite on-bike snack

Tour de France begins in a few days, here is the official website
TSN2 will be carrying Tour de France in Canada. Check their website for precise schedule.
Check the Toronto Star Wheels section on June 29. The Star is featuring cycling, including an article about TBN.
Cheers everyone and have a great week of riding!