is close to sold out, book now

Cyclon registration is open. Click here for details, or go straight to the registration page. Don't delay; Cyclon sold out quickly last year and looks to be even better this year!
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Presqui'le Prescription - July 5-7
A long-time TBN camping favourite in Prince Edward County; check here for details!
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TNTO - Sold Out, but help wanted
We need a volunteer to help load bags into the van. If you can help, please contact tnto@tbn.ca
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Waterloo Wramble
A great looking mid August weekend with accommodations at Laurier, check here for details - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tecumseth Tranquilizer - Sept 13-14
Book soon for this September camping trip just north of the GTA, details here.
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Other new trips are in the works, but we would love to hear from you about trip ideas, or if you'd like to organize a trip, or get on the trips planning committee - even better!. Your feedback and discussion on existing trips and new trips is vital to the program. Contact Brenda at weekendtrips@tbn.ca.
Greetings Everyone
June just might be one of the busiest months for TBN members. We have the usual complement of 11 rides per week, plus returning favourite events like TNTO and TNT Hairshirt, and ongoing education events. TBN members have been everywhere, including tour de Grand in Cambridge, and, of course, volunteering as ambassadors at Ride For Heart.
Lots more coming up, so check here for an updated ride and events calendar. A couple of special announcements:
- The Sunday Leisure Wheelers ride on June 16 is cancelled.
- The Sunday Country Cruise requires a ride leader June 16. Please contact countrycruise@tbn.ca if you can help out. For those planning to attend, check the event listing and bring the maps with you to the start, just in case a ride leader is not available.
New - Day TripsDue to popular demand, TBN created a new category called Day Trips.....because TBN doesn't already offer enough regular rides, weekend events and more - yes, our members LOVE to ride. Day Trips was created by members to provide one-off rides that encompass an entire day. There is no overnight accommodations, so you return home that evening. This section is where the world famous Hairshirt Classic now resides. Test yourself in the ultimate challenge ride to The Falls and back...in one day!
In addition, there are two Day Trips in the Niagara Region this summer, one in each of July and August. The event for July 6 is posted here. This trip offers a magnificent and well organized tour of the region, starting at the train station in St. Catharines.
The annual Toronto-Niagara-GO Home excursion will be August 17. This ride will begin downtown and end at a restaurant in Niagara Falls, followed by a GO Train ride back home. Details coming soon.

The June - August 2013 Quick Release newsletter issue is now posted online under About TBN. For those of you who opted in, you will receive your Quick Release newsletter in the mail in a few days. Read about some of your fellow TBN members, see the TBN ride schedules and special events during the summer, learn how to make your own protein bars, and much more.
And the winner is...
Dave Otway, who wins two tickets to the Blue Jays vs Tigers on July 2, valued at $150! Dave sent in a great TBN story to win this prize.
Upcoming EventsTBN offers rides every Friday, Saturday, Sunday (up to five rides), Tuesday and two rides on Wednesday. Check out the upcoming calendar of events and remember to check regularly for updates and new events.
Mick & Patsy present: Everything You Wanted to Know About Cycling in Toronto - June 13 & June 20
Join long-time TBN members Mick O'Meara and Patsy Cook as they share their knowledge about routes, maintenance, group cycling and cycling vacations. Check the Education Program for dates, times and locations.
Toronto-Niagara-Toronto Hairshirt Classic Double Century - June 23 This ultimate endurance test is a one-day 322km round trip cycling adventure. Details here.
For Sale - TBN Cycling Jerseys - $50
Our former president was cleaning out some of the skeletons in his closet and came across a few TBN jerseys. Only female sizes left. Please contact Brian at pastpres@tbn.ca to inquire.... and to ask what else he found in that closet.
The TBN Website - A Great Resource

Remember to send your ride photos to photoadmin@tbn.ca so that all TBN'ers can enjoy the pics on the TBN photo gallery on Flickr.
The Retailer and Services Discount Program provides TBN members with DISCOUNTS at participating businesses including these bikes shops: Cyclethpath Yonge/Eglinton, Gears (all three locations), Browns, La Bicicletta, Urbane, Pedal Performance, The Bike Store and Silent Sports. Services include rentals, tours, fitness, courses, events and art. There is also a special offer from one of our partners: Pedal Magazine. If your favourite shop or service is not on the list, tell them about the discount program and encourage them to contact TBN to sign up.
What can you do? Log in, click view profile and then edit profile; if you do not recall your password, then click forgot password.
Look down the list and start filling in some of the blanks and checking off some of the boxes, notably:
- Types of Rides
- Ride Classifications
- Terms & Conditions
- Quick Release Newsletter
By indicating which types of rides you participate in, you can be informed of any last minute change of plans e.g. cancellation due to rain.

Check here for upcoming TTC Route Diversions
And you thought cycling on Queen Street was challenging?
Cheers everyone and have a great week of riding!