Freedom Friday: King Cole's Duck and Food Truck

  • 18 Jul 2025
  • 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • King Cole Duck Farm, Whitchurch-Stouffville


  • Available parking spots are limited. Choose this option if you will be requiring parking. Registration will be open 14 days before the event.
  • This free option is for TBN Members only. Please do not use this option, and then drive, requiring a parking spot. Registration will be open 7 days before the event.


You must register to participate in all Freedom Friday rides. If you have not registered, you may NOT join the ride. 

Due to limited registrations, this ride will not be available for 30-Day-Trial members.

Due to limited parking, we are restricting registration. There are 20 available registrations with Parking.  Please try to double up and car pool to this ride. If you are driving, register with Parking is Required. If you are getting a ride with someone else, register with Parking not Required.

Driving directions: click here    Weather forecast: click here

Join us on a special Freedom Friday route to scenic Lake Simcoe, starting (and finishing), at King Cole Ducks just north of Stouffville, where, we are promised, their Gourmet Chef will be cooking up a storm in their onsite food truck. The duck tacos are heavenly! And the King Cole farm store will be open if you want to take some extra goodies home with you.

We will stop mid ride for a washroom stop, and/or convenience store at Lake Simcoe, before returning south. 

Ride leader: Martin Lansche 

Routes 73km (preferred): 

(A Urban Roller class 48km ride with fewer hills is available here. There is no designated leader for this shorter ride.)

This is a Tourist level ride. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to your riding level, click here.

Check the website 2 hours before the start time - the ride could be rescheduled or cancelled at the discretion of the organizers.

Cancellations – if you register and later decide you cannot ride – please, please cancel as soon as possible so the ride leader has an accurate list of participants.

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