Gord's message: Register for TBN's Spring Kickoff!
Register now for TBN's Spring Kickoff, set for May 7 at Étienne Brûlé Park in Etobicoke. We'll have food, rides and prizes at this special event, which is one of the highlights of the TBN annual calendar. The Kickoff is free to TBN members, but we ask people to register so we know how much food to buy. Non-members may also register and participate if they are interested in joining the club.
We are also seeking volunteers to help out, ideally members who have worked on the Spring Kickoff before. If you can help out, contact Marc Giles, social director, at social@tbn.ca.
Details on rides we will be doing after the Kickoff breakfast will be posted on the calendar soon, and we will have separate event registration for those rides. For the kickoff, breakfast and rides we are waiving the $10 non-member registration fee.
Gord Irish, President

Join our RideWithGPS club
The RideWithGPS company is running a worldwide competition/promotion where the cycling club that signs up the most new members in their respective RideWithGPS club through the month of April 2022 will win a free lifetime Club membership. It would be great to be the winner of this competition!
TBN already has many members. If you are already a member of our RideWithGPS club, thank you for being a member. If you are a TBN member in good standing, and are not a member of our RideWithGPS club, please, please join. If you are a Family member in TBN and are already a RideWithGPS club member, but the other TBN members in your family are not currently RideWithGPS club members, please ask them to join.
Every additional TBNer who joins our RideWithGPS improves our chances to win this competition. Instructions for joining our RideWithGPS club are found here.
To join the RideWithGPS club, you will have to have a RideWithGPS account. You do not have to sign up for either of the fee-based RideWithGPS plans. The Starter plan (free) is sufficient for the competition, and is considered sufficient for general usage during all TBN activities.
Event registration process to continue
TBN has decided to retain the registration system for our events. This is for ongoing safety reasons, as there are still some events where event leaders need to limit group size. If only some events have registrations, we feel certain that such differences will prove to be inconsistent and confusing.
As well, knowing the size of an event ahead of time helps us manage it better. For example, particularly large rides often need additional sweeps. Registrations also help TBN understand what events are most popular and help us design or modify programs going forward.
Event limits are set by the event leaders and some have limits set so high that they effectively allow for unlimited participation. Where limits are in place, we are asking the Program Coordinators to have a "Registration Window" - typically around 5-7 days - when you can register. This will mitigate the issue where a small group of very eager members reserve all the spots on these rides throughout season, thereby preventing other members from getting a spot on any rides. It is not a perfect solution, but it does help. For events without a limit, registration will be fully open as soon as it is posted on the calendar.

How to fix your flats: A TBN Zoom education session
We are running a one-hour online Zoom education session on how to fix flats, April 28 beginning at 7 pm. Click here for registration.
There will be an introduction to tires, inner-tubes, and how to remove wheels, tires, replace tubes and patch them, as well as putting everything back together. There will be lots of opportunities for questions and advice, plus a practical illustration.
The meeting will be recorded for the purpose of improving the session for future.
All those rides
TBN's riding season is up and running, despite chilly mornings and some lingering snow and ice. Check the website for details on everything that's coming up, and also check back a couple of hours before a ride to be sure it's still running. Non-members are welcome to register for all rides this year. Non-member registration is $10. If you enjoy your experience, and want to join, the full $10 fee can be applied towards a TBN membership.
What sort of rider are you?
While we're on the subject of riding, please check out TBN's ride classifications, so you can find the ride that fits you best. Our Tourist and Sportif rides are the fastest, designed for riders who can keep up with the pack or are happy riding along or in small groups. And the Urban Roller and Leisure Wheeler rides are no-drop rides at a gentler pace. There's something for everybody.

Get ready, Cyclon is back!
After a two-year hiatus, Cyclon returns this summer over the Simcoe long weekend, July 30 through Aug. 1. For the first time in 26 years we are back in London – the Forest City – and staying at Western University. New location, new sites and new routes!
The Cyclon Planning Committee has worked very hard to make TBN’s premier event as safe as possible. This means we will be adhering to all government, TBN and Western University Covid-19 protocols. At this time, Western University requires proof of vaccination and masking indoors is mandatory on any Western University property.
We also heard your concerns via the Cyclon Survey and have responded accordingly to ensure participant safety. This year, registration will be capped at 120 participants! Don’t be disappointed. Early bird registration opens the week of April 25 via the TBN calendar.
Things that are different this year:
- - Friday pizza night will be served by Western University staff to minimize handling.
- - Post-ride snacks (Saturday and Sunday) will feature individually packaged food and beverages.
- - Breakfasts (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) are included in the cost of your registration.
- - Saturday night hosted dinners will offer several outdoor patio options.
- - Sunday buffet dinner will be held outdoors.
Congratulations to Catherine Whitfield, the winner of our Cyclon Survey! Catherine wins $50 off this year’s registration.

Niagara Bike & Hike 2022: Join the Waitlist
After a two-year absence, this is a chance to get the 2022 cycling season off to a great start by joining one of TBN’s most popular rides along the quiet roads and off-road paved trails of the Niagara Region. This year we have 40 spots for the Niagara Bike & Hike weekend, running May 20-23. This trip is already sold out but, if you are hoping to join us, please consider joining the waitlist.
Throughout the four days, we will be observing safety protocols set by the TBN Board based on provincial health guidelines. Please note that all participants will be asked to show proof of being fully vaccinated. As well, in the event that there is a resurgence of COVID cases, there is a possibility that the number of participants could be reduced or the event could be cancelled.
Be sure to watch the TBN calendar for announcements of other overnight trips during the season.
Save the Date! TNTO is back
TNTO is back for its 27th year, June 18-19. This legendary two-day challenge for experienced cyclists features rides from Toronto or Stoney Creek to Niagara Falls, an overnight in Niagara Falls and a ride back the next day.
Cycle a lovely route that gets you to the heart of Niagara Falls on scenic and traffic-free inland back roads. TBN provides a van to transport your luggage. Full COVID-19 vaccination is required to participate in the trip. Registration will open May 1 for members. If you would like to volunteer to help out with this event or if you have questions, please contact Lora, weekendtrips@tbn.ca
TBN at Bike for Brain Health
TBN has been invited to assist with Bike for Brain Health, a new event set for June 5. The charity ride is taking place on the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardiner Expressway, both of which will be closed to traffic.
We are looking for 30 marshals and 30 ambassadors for the event. Head over to the TBN calendar to register. Email Todd at Publicity@tbn.ca if you have any questions.
Weekend Trip to Simcoe, Ont.
Dennis and Chris Szilvasy are organizing a weekend cycling trip to Simcoe, Ont., for the weekend of July 16 and 17, with guests staying at the Comfort Inn in town on the Saturday night. Dennis (TBN's Touring Director) and Chris Szilvasy have cycled through the area many times.
The group will ride Saturday along the coast of Lake Erie from Port Dover to Port Rowan. The area is very historic and there are lots of places to stop off and explore. Sunday's ride heads northeast of Simcoe, exploring some rail trails.
Cost of the trip will be approximately $90 per person. This fee is for a one-night stay in a room with two double beds, continental breakfast at the hotel and researched maps.
Online registration will open May 15 via the TBN calendar. The final day of registration will be June 19. This is a small tour and there only 20 spots available.

Ride Leaders Take Note
Ride leaders are reminded that they need to list all ride assistants on their ride leader reports. If the names do not appear on the reports then those volunteers will not receive any volunteer credits for the work they do on the ride. Likewise, it may be helpful for anyone assisting on a ride to remind the ride leader to include their name in the ride report.
TBN Retail Partners
Check the TBN website for for an updated list of cycling shops in the GTA that offer discounts to TBN members on merchandise, generous offers that ease the pain of buying new cycling gear. You might be asked to show your membership card to qualify for that discount. To access your card, log into the tbn.ca website and click on your name in the upper right corner of the page to view your profile. You can download the card to your smartphone or print it as a PDF.
Garneau Jerseys Returning This Summer
We are partnering again with Garneau to make available cycling jerseys with the TBN insignia. Your executive has begun discussing the possible design of a new jersey for 2023 so this might be the last time to order this design.
We hope to have jerseys available to try on at the Spring Kickoff so that you can decide what size works best for you. And we will let you know when the online store is available for placing orders. Like previous years, we will take delivery of the jerseys and make them available at rides later in the summer.