Martin's message: Thank you and good bye
I hope you all had a chance to enjoy some great fall cycling this past month. Some October days were foul, but many were gorgeous, tempting us out for what was always "probably the last time this year." November will be colder, and while we may offer Program-X rides if there's a particularly warm day in the forecast, our cycling will mostly shift indoors and our outdoor club activities to hikes and walks. As always, keep your eye on the calendar to see what is planned.
I have found the role of Acting President to be both challenging, and rewarding. As you know by now, I will not be continuing in this role, but I will stay on the board as Technical Director, and will guide our next President when necessary, and I will be around to help anyone with challenges with the technological aspects of the club. We had a small board this year, and I thank all the members for guiding me, and humouring me as acting president.
Our program coordinators and ride leaders are the bedrock of this club: 82 individuals acted as ride leaders or assistant ride leaders this year. Thanks also to our membership secretaries, the Chain of Events editor, everyone who participated in committees this year and anyone else I forgot to mention. To all the 100 volunteers of 2021, a heartfelt thank you.
I hope to see you in on a virtual ride in Zwift's Watopia this winter, on a hike or walk, and I will see you on the roads in the spring.
Martin Lansche, Acting President
Watch your email for AGM evite
TBN's Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 7 pm on November 24, and will be a virtual gathering to comply with COVID-19 restrictions on indoor gatherings. Please join if you can to hear our overview of 2021 activities and our plans for 2022.
By November 5, all members in good standing will receive a TBN email with details on registration for this important meeting. You will also find details on TBN calendar link at the top of the home page, or on the upcoming events section of the TBN home page. You must be logged in as a TBN member to access this information, and you must be a TBN member to attend the annual meeting.
The AGM is an important event in TBN's calendar. Members must approve the club’s financial statements, approve some changes to the TBN Constitution, and elect the Board of Directors for 2021-2022.
TBN offers city walks and country hikes
TBN is offering weekly city walks and country hikes throughout the fall, and possibly into winter, while the weather permits, with opportunities to explore some of Ontario's conservation areas and quiet city streets, ravines and paths.
Details of the walks are available here, and the the country hike program is available here.
Please note: TBN’s COVID-19 rules apply to hikes as well as they do cycling. Hikes will be limited to 20 people, and you need to register in advance and cancel that registration if you change your mind and cannot come. Guest registrations will be allowed if there is room.
Don’t forget to bring a mask and hand sanitizer.

A message from the editor
A short personal note: Your Chain of Events editor is stepping down this issue after almost seven years on the job (although she may step back in to help out from time to time if needed). My thanks to everyone who contributed information or other snippets over the years, and my apologies for omissions, errors or heavy-handed editing. Outgoing secretary Rick Macmillan will be your new Chain of Events editor. After November 24, he can be reached at
Zwift your way to winter fitness
TBN will renew its winter program of virtual rides this year, using the Zwift computer platform to provide an almost limitless number of indoor rides as the weather turns cold, wet or snowy. From fall of 2020 to the spring of 2021 TBN hosted 69 Zwift Meetup rides. Can we beat that total this winter season?
Zwift allows us to offer curated rides in two fantasy worlds: Watopia and a Japanese-themed Makuri Islands, as well as virtual routes in London, France, Innsbruck, Yorkshire, Richmond and a futuristic New York City. There are almost 100 different routes, from gentle to extremely strenuous.
If you are interested in Zwift rides, either as a participant or as a volunteer virtual ride leader, please email with your preferences (day, time, distance and duration), and whether you are willing to host an event. Details about upcoming Zwift meetups will be posted on the TBN website. For more information about the meetups and about how to get started, see
TBN Retail Partners
Check the TBN website for for an updated list of cycling shops in the GTA that offer discounts to TBN members on merchandise, generous offers that ease the pain of buying new cycling gear. You might be asked to show your membership card to qualify for that discount. To access your card, log into the website and click on your name in the upper right corner of the page to view your profile. You can download the card to your smartphone or print it as a PDF.