Martin's message: thanks to volunteers, welcome guests
TBN's rides are back at something close to normal now that the government has moved to Stage Three of its Covid reopening plan: bigger groups, fewer wait lists, guests are welcome. I want to thank everyone for their patience getting to this point, especially our Program Coordinators. Each change in Covid rules meant changes to events in Wild Apricot, and they've been flexible and accommodating. Thank you to Mick and Patsy, the Daves (Middleton, Mader, and Gagne), Terry, Danny, Dinsmore, Sandra, Arlene, Janet and Vicki, Carl, Cindy, Robin and Rob, and Barry, Marie and Rowena. Thanks also to our fall/winter coordinators: the Johns (Anderson and Burdett) and Catherine.
Even with all the changes and challenges, TBN membership continues to grow and many of last month's non-member registrants have converted to full membership. As I said last month, please reach out to our newest members and make them feel welcome.
I have been making an effort to get out on all the different program rides (I have not yet made it to a Friday Evening ride - mea culpa), and it's a delight to meet so many members of the club, of all abilities and interests.
The new, no-drop Country Cruise rides have been very successful and popular. Thank you Alice for setting these up, and leading them.
But there are still rules on social gatherings. On August 17 the Government of Ontario announced that it is further delaying the move out of Step 3 in its reopening plan. This means that no municipality in the province is allowing social events with more than 100 participants, even outdoors. Our most recent picnics had about 200 attendees, so we're in a holding pattern here, waiting for outdoor limits to change and permits to become available.
Martin Lansche, Acting President
HELP WANTED: seeking volunteers!!!
We are seeking enthusiastic club members for the following exciting board positions:
- - President (after the AGM in November, this role will be supported by Martin Lansche our current Acting President)
- - Secretary (during transition, this role will be supported by Rick MacMillan, our current Secretary)
- - Director of Communications (training will be provided by Rick our current Acting Director of Communications)
- - Education Director
- - Director at Large (2)
Requirements: reliable, committed, energetic
Nice to have: TBN volunteering experience
If you're interested in finding out more, please contact Alice Chan at

We'll be Zooming the AGM
In 2021, we will be hosting our AGM in November over a Zoom meeting, similar to last year. Details coming soon.
Remember: All rides are registration only, don't just show up
You must register in order to attend any TBN event, and even with the new, larger registration limits, please be courteous and respectful as you decide when you want to ride.
- - If you are not registered for an event, please do not simply show up. TBN rides are only open to those who have registered.
- - If you are registered for an event, but decide not to attend, please cancel your registration, ideally the evening before the event.
- - Registration is important for contact tracing purposes. Please take this request seriously.
One-stop shopping for TBN RideWithGPS routes
As of this month, TBN routes are available via a single club account on RideWithGPS after we merged the separate Wednesday Wheelie club account into the TBN club account. This means you can now search for WW routes within the TBN RideWithGPS catalogue of routes and events - they are identified with the "WW" tag. (All WW RideWithGPS "club" members have been notified of the change.) WW ride URLs (i.e. web addresses) will remain unchanged so past and future WW events will be unaffected as will events from other programs that used the WW routes. Our website page on RideWithGPS has been updated, but the education session recorded last year is slightly out of date as it mentions the WW RideWithGPS "club".
You must be a TBN member to join the RideWithGPS club account, which gives you access to the TBN catalog of routes.
TBN travel thinking
Thanks to everyone who responded to our survey on TBN travel, especially to those of you who expressed interest in leading trips. Top destinations where TBN members would like to go include Manitoulin Island/Bruce Peninsula, Lake Erie, Goderich, Quebec, Muskoka, and Algonquin Park. We look forward to bringing you more trips in the future, and the trip committee will start thinking about next year soon. If you are interested in joining the trips committee, please contact Lora at
You can see results from the survey here.
A Blast from the Past
A 2-day ride highlighted in the July 1984 TBN Newsletter:
"Start in King City at 9:30 a.m. Distance 100 km daily. A very rural ride from the maddening city. We will watch the vegetables sprouting up in the Holland Marsh, ride the rolling hills of the Medonte area, and gaze along the sandy shore of Lake SImcoe. We stay at the Orillia youth hostel. Bring along lightweight gear which you will carry on your bike. Approx. cost is $15.00 which includes maps, hostel, accommodation and some snacks. Advance registration required... Call Dennis Szilvasy for info and to register."
We were so young then! Traffic was so much lighter north of Toronto, and a hostel cost less than $15 a night. Wow! And yes, that is our same Dennis, and Martin fondly remembers being on that ride.