ActiveTO is back
Toronto's ActiveTO cycling/walking program is back this year, offering cyclists the chance to ride on a handful of closed-to-traffic streets. Construction work means that the popular closure of Lakeshore West isn't on the schedule every weekend, but parts of Lakeshore East and Bayview Avenue are closed to motorized traffic on most Saturdays and Sundays. Details are available on the City of Toronto's website.

TBN jersey store extended to June 12
Come on TBN, we need more orders! Our online jersey store closed recently, and we were disappointed to learn from our supplier, Garneau, that we did not reach the minimum number of orders to move on to production. So we have reopened the store until June 12: check it out now to place your order, and deliveries will follow soon afterwards. If we still fail to meet the minimum by June 12, Garneau will cancel the order and return payments received to date. And that would be sad.

Do you have input for TBN's new Governance Committee?
TBN's new Governance Committee (chair Rick MacMillan, Martin Lansche, Lora Flanagan, Barry Pinsky and Gord Irish) welcomes member input. The committee has already drawn up a new privacy policy, which the board approved earlier this month, and the board has offered a number of high-priority agenda items: reviewing the board-member recruitment process and directors' job descriptions, including skills development; potentially longer, and staggered, election terms for board members; expanding TBN's social-media presence; and a revised Code of Conduct. If you have comments or suggestions, please contact Rick MacMIllan.
Click here for a short video on how to manage your privacy and email subscription settings.
Ride cancellations are complicated. Your thoughts?
Help us adopt the best possible policy regarding ride cancellations, which Mother Nature often foists on us, whether we want them or not.
Please fill out this short (2-question) survey on your preferences.