Zwifting tips and tricks
TBN's Zwift Meetups programme has been a quiet success these last couple of months. Virtual ridership is rising by the week: we have 20+ current invitees, and six to 12 participants on a typical ride.
These rides are also open to those do not have a Smart Trainer, as long as you have a bike, a "Classic" Trainer and a BLE or ANT+ speed sensor. You won't feel the hills (neither the ups nor the downs) as you do with a Smart Trainer, but you can still get a great workout and socialize with the other riders from inside your "pain cave". See TBN's Zwift Meetups page for background information, and also check out the "How To Get Started On Zwift With a Classic Trainer" page on Zwift Insider.
Zwift is a computer program/video game that offers an almost endless series of curated rides in virtual worlds that include France, Innsbruck, Austria, Yorkshire, England and Richmond, USA. In the words of one long-time TBNer on a recent ride. "Zwift is addictive".
If you are interested in Zwift rides, either as a participant or as a volunteer virtual ride leader, please email with your preferences (day, time, distance and duration), and whether you are willing to host an event. Details about upcoming Zwift meetups and other rides are on the TBN website.

For data junkies: not a pretty sight
There is no sugar coating these statistics. The number of TBN events fell 47 percent in 2020 from 2019, and those fewer events were attended by smaller groups (as expected due to Covid outdoor meeting limits). That means "participant events" (events times participants) fell a massive 70 percent, and participant kilometres (participants times km ridden) fell an even more massive 74 percent. Ways that we can turn this around in 2021 include: a) more virtual events, b) smaller, staggered start, outdoor events, and c) hoping that vaccines and everyone following local health guidelines will let authorities ease restrictions that currently limit outdoor gatherings to five people.
TBN profiles to better reflect gender identification
To better accommodate all members, including those who may not align with a traditional binary male/female gender identification, TBN has implemented the following changes in our User Profiles:
1. We have removed the gender field, a required field that previously had only male/female choices (and was only visible to the user, and to TBN Wild Apricot Administrators). The Board has deemed that we had no useful purpose to capture this information about our members.
2. We have added an optional Preferred Pronouns field, answers to which will be visible to all members. So if a member registers for an event, another member can view that registration and see what, if any, Preferred Pronouns the registrant has chosen.
No change is required by members.
Use of the Preferred Pronouns field is entirely voluntary.
To update your profile, log into the TBN website, then click on your name and click on "Edit Profile". When you are done, press "Save" to store your changes.
To update your profile, first log into the TBN website, then click on your name and click on Edit Profile. When you are done, press Save to store your changes.
Toronto Bike Show will be back in 2022
The Toronto International Bicycle Show, scheduled for March 2021, has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. TBN has played a role in the show each year, with a busy booth in the exhibition area and we always welcome the opportunity to greet old and new friends. Sadly, that forum is on hold for another year, but we look forward to its return in 2022.
The Toronto International Bicycle Show, scheduled for March 2021, has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. TBN has played a role in the show each year, with a busy booth in the exhibition area and we always welcome the opportunity to greet old and new friends. Sadly, that forum is on hold for another year, but we look forward to its return in 2022.
Join TBNers for virtual city walks
Join your TBN friends for virtual walks in Toronto and beyond, where we use Google Streetview to explore neighbourhoods and chat on Zoom about key sights. Our Zoom conferences start at around 10:10 am on Sundays. Details on the TBN website.
This year's membership is free for paid-up members
We lost much of our 2020 riding season because of COVID19, so as a big thank you for bearing with us, TBN will automatically extend membership by 365 days for all members in good standing (those who have paid their dues in full). You lost your 2020 season with TBN, so we’re giving you another one.
The background: TBN was unable to operate from March through July, and our schedule was limited for the rest of the year. And with a second wave underway, we know we won't be offering our normal slate of winter activities.
We’ll take another look at membership dues as we continue through these challenging times and will do our utmost to continue to offer great value to all our members.