September 11, 2019    

Key volunteer positions coming up

Several key TBN volunteers are stepping down at the annual meeting in November, and the club is looking for people to fill some crucial positions. Is this your year to help? 

Treasurer. You will oversee TBN's finances and work with the bookkeeper to produce reports for the board on financial matters and to recommend controls or improvements in financial processes, as well as monitoring accounting and cash flow. We estimate about 3 hours per month of work, plus board meetings.

Bookkeeper. A crucial support role for the Treasurer, updating Quick Books accounting files and facilitating bill payments and member reimbursements. You will manage the TBN Paypal and Wild Apricot payment processes and work with our bank to control cash flows and validate/reconcile member payments. The bookkeeper is not required to attend Board meetings unless requested. We estimate 2 to 3 hours of work per month.

Education Director. An active member of the TBN board, you will plan and implement education sessions on matters such as safety, hill climbing, travel issues. Time commitment will depend on your schedule for seminars and training, plus regular board meetings.

Please contact President John Clausen if you can help, or if you have questions about these positions.  

Learn all about Lyme

Lyme disease, carried by infected blacklegged ticks, is a real risk to anyone working or playing outdoors in Ontario. Find out what you can do to protect yourself at this special information session with a speaker from Toronto Public Health. You will learn about symptoms to watch for, as well as where the ticks hang out, and what to do if you think you might have been bitten. The evening session takes place at Palmerston Public Library on September 17. Please register ahead of time so we know how many people to expect.

Mark your calendar for our November 9 dinner dance

TBN's ever popular dinner dance and annual meeting will take place on the evening of Saturday November 9, at Fantasy Farms on Pottery Road. We're setting strict limits on attendance, so the event will be less crowded than last year. But that also means you'll need to register early to guarantee a space. Check the website for details.

Member of the month for June: Dinsmore Roach

Dinsmore leads rides, coordinates the popular Tuesday Ravine Rides and fosters an environment where people feel welcome, safe and supported. Other reasons for TBN's gratitude include: helping a rider choose a new bike, and keeping in touch with her by email when she couldn't ride for a while; adding new Ravine Rides for those seeking a few extra miles, and a few extra km/h; finding safe and interesting routes; and helping riders get home from complicated rides if they don't want to do the full distance. Thank you Dinsmore.

Member of the month for July: Ron Wilson

Ron Wilson is one of the coordinators of the out-of-town Wednesday Wheelie rides, streamlining map and ride information postings and injecting a strong focus on the safety of the rides. That includes extensive research to find new routes as sprawling subdivisions make old ones busier. He has introduced TBN'ers to multi-day rides in North Carolina, New York, Collingwood and Niagara, with plans for more such trips. Thank you Ron for everything you do to make TBN such an amazing club.

Member of the month for August: Tony Lau

Tony wins the August member of the month as thanks for his huge contributions to Cyclon and TNTO. He's a route maker (and route tester) for our out-of-town adventures, and he's always looking for new ways to streamline Cyclon processes. Tony was also a patient helper at TNTO, waiting in the luggage van for hours while riders finish, and greeting them graciously and positively. We're grateful there are volunteers like Tony to help run the club.

Nominate your September member of the month 

To nominate someone for the September member of the month award, please email We're looking for members who go over and above the norm to help the club or its members. And there are even prizes for the winners.

Travel with TBN 

Madawaska: Oct 12-14 REGISTRATION CLOSES SEPT 20

Sign up now for a special Thanksgiving trip to the Madawaska Kanu Centre, just south of Algonquin Park. You can register on the TBN website, but you need to phone the centre to pay for your stay, with prices that depend on whether you're in the lodge, in dormitory accommodation or camping. Check the TBN website for more details of this trip, which offers fall colours, stunning scenery, quiet roads and campfire camaraderie. 

Fitz Fall hiking: October 18-20 WAITLIST ONLY

Check out the TBN website to join the waitlist for our sold-out trip to the quaint Fitz Hostel on Lion Head. 

Wolf Den in the winter: January 31-February 2

Registration opens on Sunday, November 3

New trip ideas?

Contact Jeannie at if you have suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.


We want YOU to help run TNTO

TBN is looking for a new team of volunteers to run the iconic TNTO weekend, a mid-June adventure to Niagara Falls and back (long and short routes available). The new team will also reset the program, which has been running for the last 26 years. Our recent home, The Rodeway Inn, was sold last year and prices jumped by 20 percent. Please contact Jeannie at if you can help. The previous team of Tony Lau, Carole Sovran and Ian Rankin will be happy to help with background and advice.

Buying at a discount

Many bike stores in the Toronto area offer hefty discounts for TBN members, as do a number of bicycle related services. Check the website for the full list. 

What's coming up

October 12-14: Thanksgiving in Madawaska 

October 18-20: Fitz Hostel fall hiking weekend

January 31-February 2: Wolf Den winter retreat

As always, check the TBN website for details of all rides and other events, and remember to check back a couple of hours before a ride in case it's changed or cancelled because of poor weather or other factors beyond our control.

Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up. That little TTC logo below will help alert you to any subway closures.

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