Have a wonderful ho ho holiday season
Do you want to help organise a second TBN excursion to New York's exciting May 5 Five Boro Bike Tour, when 32,000 cyclists get the once-a-year chance to ride along roads and bridges that are normally closed to bicycle traffic? Our plan: car pool to the New York area on Thursday, May 2, and return on Monday, May 6. But it will be up to the committee to sort out the details, including where we stay, and how much people want to spend (on top of the US$110 registration fee). Registration includes rest areas, a commemorative finisher medal and your personal rider photo gallery (taken throughout the ride and forwarded to rider email address).
If you want to join the committee to organise the trip please contact Jeannie at weekendtrips@tbn.ca.
What if you want to ride New York, but you don't have the time to join the committee? No problem. Tell Jeannie you are interested, and we'll keep your name on the list, ready for when we're ready to roll.
Our Friday night skating adventures got under way with the opening of Toronto's city rinks and will continue through the winter, weather and ice conditions permitting. Check the website for details of which rink we'll be visiting which week (the pre-Christmas skate is at Harbourfront). As well as that, TBN offers a much-praised winter spinning programme at the downtown Adelaide Club, with weekly sessions to help you keep your cycling muscles in tune. And finally, don't forget TBN's city walks, mostly on Sunday mornings. The exception is this Saturday, for an evening excursion to view the best and boldest Christmas decorations in the city.
Ski (or snowshoe) with TBNWanakita Ski Weekend: January 11-13There's still space on our January ski weekend. Spend two nights in a big comfortable cabin at YMCA Camp Wanakita, on beautiful Koshlong Lake in the Haliburton Highlands. We're offering classic cross-country skiing on groomed trails, as well as great snowshoeing, and maybe skating on the lake. For details and registration, go to the Overnight Trips page. Wolf Den in the winter: February 8-10 WAITLIST ONLYOur winter Wolf Den trip is full, but you can still join the waiting list in case there's a cancellation. Check the website for details. New York Five Boro ride: May 2-6
Still in the planning stage. Details will come soon on the TBN website.
Tour de l'Ile de Montreal: early June
Still in the planning stage. Details will come soon on the TBN website.
New trip ideas?Contact Jeannie at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN. |
TBN partners offer great deals for our members, with discounts at numerous bike stores, bike tours outside Ontario, charity ride registration, and much more. Please support TBN's great partners.
Remember you must present your valid TBN membership card for a discount at any TBN discount partner.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up. That little TTC logo below will help alert you to any subway closures.