There's still space on our September 14-16 weekend at Wolf Den, on the edge of Algonquin Park. The bargain price of $135 for TBN members (or $145 for non-members) includes a Friday night burger dinner, Saturday and Sunday breakfasts, and supplies for lunches on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday evening is a pot luck party.
At press time, there was one spot left for a male left in the main cabin, 4 female spots in the Loon and Bear cabins, and a large dorm space for some couples or friends.
More details on the website.
Jimmy Yeung is TBN's August member of the month. Jimmy exemplifies the volunteer spirit that lets TBN thrive. Jimmy joined the club in 2007 and soon started leading middle distance rides for what we know today as the Urban Roller group. He then graduated to leading longer rides and for the past three years has been a prime mover behind the two-day TNTO rides to Niagara Falls and some of our GO-home rides. Please congratulate Jimmy if you see him and his wife Carol on a ride.
There's a new tab on the "about" section TBN website that offers rafts of information on the history of the club. The documents reflect a year of great work by TBN's Archives Project Committee. Special thanks to Jean O'Grady and (early on) Paul Stockton, for their many hours of hard work researching and putting all of this information together. Please note that you must be signed in as a TBN member to access some of the documents.
Our thanks to Richard Aaron, Norm Myshok and Bud Jorgenson for sharing their knowledge during personal interviews as part of this research.
Safety tip: Multi-use trails
Multi-use trails offer a special challenge to cyclists, who must share their space with inline skaters, runners, pedestrians and families with children and dogs.
· When riding in a group, keep your distance in case the rider ahead of you needs to stop suddenly.
· Warn riders behind you if you see a bike, runner or walker coming in the other direction. “Bike Up,” “Runner Up” or “Walker Up” are clear messages
· Use your bell if you want to pass someone on a trail. But even then, people may be wearing headphones and won't hear you.
· Ride defensively and be prepared to stop quickly if needed.
Check out the home page for a collection of weekly safety tips.
Here are the latest (non-TBN) bicycle-related events to highlight for the coming weeks, if you're looking for things to do on your bike, or things with a clear biking focus. If you know of other events coming up, please email the Chain of Events editor.
Sunday, September 9: Cycle from the Bentway to Humber Bay Park West and take in closing concerts for the Toronto Bicycle Music Festival. There's a concert at noon, then a trail ride and then more music from 2-6pm. No cost and lots of fun. Details here (overview) and here (main concert).
Saturday September 22: Pedal for Portage, Elora. For a donation of $75 (or more, of course) you get to join a 28 km trail ride or a 55 km road ride, plus an event tee shirt as well as breakfast and a barbecue lunch. Funds raised go to help combat youth addiction.
Sunday September 23: Picton Kiwanis annual Fall Colour Fondo, Prince Edward County. Registration is $45 for this scenic ride through Prince Edward County. Choose from 25, 50 or 100 km routes on a day that will include a pizza lunch at Waupoos Winery and a voucher for local produce.
Saturday, September 29: Ride for Refuge, Toronto. This family-friendly ride (25km or 50km) starts from Ashbridges Bay in downtown Toronto and raises money for hundreds of Canadian charities working with people who are displaced and vulnerable. Registration is $25.
And finally, the Market Gallery in the downtown St Lawrence Market is hosting a special exhibit on Toronto's cycling culture. It runs until November 17, and full-price entry is $8.Check out TBN's new cycling tips, including five important things you need to know about tire pressure.
Travel with TBNHere are some of the out-of-town adventures that TBN is offering this year. Wolf Den Sept 14 - 16 Fitz fall hiking Oct 12 - 14 (Waitlist only) Wolf Den Winter Feb 8 - Feb 10 (Registration opens October 1) New trip ideas?Contact Jeannie at if you have suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN. |
Are you ready for the September 9 Urban Roller/Leisure Wheeler 100km century ride, the longest ride of the year for both these riding groups? Enjoy mostly level trails and quiet streets, with many exit points available, as you head from the Beach to Oakville, and then ride back. Lunch at Tim Hortons in Clarkson, and then a rest point and turnaround at Gairloch Gardens in Oakville. More details here and here.
Email if you want to nominate a TBN member who went above and beyond the normal call of duty in September. Please include your name, the name of the member you’re nominating and what they did. The winner gets a $50 gift certificate and the chance to be recognized as Member of the Year.
TBN relies on club members to maintain our role as Toronto's best venue for cycling. If you have comments or suggestions about your experience with TBN or would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities with the club, or on one of our club committees, please email club president Ian Rankin at
TBN partners offer great deals for our members, with discounts at numerous bike stores, bike tours outside Ontario, charity ride registration, and much more. Please support TBN's great partners.
Remember you must present your valid TBN membership card for a discount at any TBN discount partner.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up. That little TTC logo below will help alert you to any subway closures.