Overnight trips
Our winter trips are closed for registration, but watch this space for information about the exciting trips we have planned for the spring and summer months.
Contact Jeannie at weekendtrips@tbn.caif you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN
Wolf Den Ski and Snowshoe WAITLIST
Feb 24-Feb 26
Visit the online signup page to put your name on the waiting list.
Registration closed.
You're the best
A special thanks to TBN's intrepid volunteers, some of whom made it to Pauper's Pub last month for a volunteer appreciation evening of snacks, drinks and stories. The club offered special thanks to Joe Hickey, honoured as a lifetime member, as well as to 2016 volunteers of the year, Paul Price and Brenda Sweet. Ruth Pincoe spoke about her husband David Peebles, who passed away late last year, and TBN President Ian Rankin reminisced about Doug Innes, another dearly departed TBNer.
Do you want to volunteer to help the club? Please contact Ian at president@tbn.ca if you can help.
Lead that ride
Register now for TBN's April 6 Ride Leaders' Clinic, a refresher session for returning ride leaders, and a primer for newcomers. Topics include safety, how to prepare for your ride leader responsibilities, and how to complete the online ride report. And of course it's an opportunity to meet your fellow ride leaders. You can also sign up to lead a ride in 2017 -- bring your calendar.
The session takes place at 7pm at Ralph Thornton Hall on Queen Street East, just a few blocks east of the Don Valley.
Bikes on show
Mark your calendar for this year's Toronto International Bike Show, a showcase of all that the manufacturers are plotting for the season, and a chance for retailers, bike-friendly regions and a number of tour operators and vendors to sell their wares. It's the perfect place to look for a new bike, or new biking swag.
We're also looking for your help -- contact Ed at publicity@tbn.ca if you enjoy talking about our club and want to take a shift at the booth.
The show takes place at the Better Living Centre on the Exhibition Grounds from March 3-5.
Ride in winter
If you missed our training session on riding through the winter, take a look at this handy-dandy guide from the Ontario government, with loads of useful tips on how to ride during the winter months. Some of it's pretty obvious -- dress warmly, and don't start your winter riding experiment on the coldest day of the year -- but do you know to keep your tire pressure lower for a better grip on the roads in dodgy conditions? And of course, fenders are your friends.
Bye-Bye Quick Release
We're sad to announce the demise of Quick Release, TBN's long-running magazine/electronic newsletter. The newsletter offered information on rides during the cycling season, as well as articles on trips, events and club members. Quick Release has become less relevant as traffic to the TBN website increased and the Facebook page took off with daily posts. A series of pleas for a new editor has been unsuccessful and so we're reluctantly saying goodbye. The critical information about rides formerly printed in Quick Release is available on the TBN website, and is always kept up to date.
Our thanks to the many great volunteers who helped publish Quick Release over the years. You can see all historical copies on the website.
A few words about Joe
Joe Hickey is one of an exclusive club at TBN -- the members who have done so much for the club over such a long period of time that the board is rewarding them with a lifetime membership. And, to be honest, Joe has too many TBN achievements to list them all here, but let us try: Joe ran the Toogood Pond picnic for an astounding 24 years, with the help of Bob Everett, offering club members a chance to get together in the middle of the riding season. He ran the popular TNTO Toronto-Niagara-Toronto weekend, for a mere 14 years this time, adding a shorter-mile option for riders who didn't want to do back-to-back rides of 100 miles. And he transformed TBN's annual general meeting from a less than stellar pot-luck (with a menu that was usually heavy on Kentucky Fried Chicken) to a popular gala at Whistlers on Broadview.
Joe also led rides and attended Cyclons at almost every Ontario university in Ontario. Joe likes to say that if he was ever job-hunting, he could say that he went to all those universities.
Joe represents what volunteering is all about!
Talking trails
TBN is setting up a sub-committee that will build upon the actions currently underway to help develop bike trails in Toronto and elsewhere in Ontario, and advocacy director Joey Schwartz is looking for your help. If you have experience lobbying, and an interest in the trail systems, please contact Joey at advocacy@tbn.ca to find out more. We will try to have a meeting in early February to plan objectives and delegate responsibilities.

Map your ride
Our February 7 map making workshop is now full, but you can still join the waiting list in case there are cancellations.
Check out Collingwood
The coordinators for the popular Wednesday Wheelie rides want to draw your attention to the group's adventure up to Collingwood in June. They are planning three days of midweek riding, plus social events in the afternoon and evening. Check the website for details -- you might want to book vacation days and accommodation to join the adventure.
Valuable volunteers
TBN is run by its volunteers, and we appreciate each and every one of them. But we need more help. TBN is looking for someone who will help organize the volunteers, as well as people to share the jobs of social director (to help us ramp up our off-the-bike activities) and touring director (especially to help with the April 6 ride leaders' workshop). If you want to help, or have ideas for the club, please contact Ian Rankin at president@tbn.ca.
In addition, the Cyclon team is seeking help in organizing the 2017 Cyclon, which will take place in Kingston over the August long weekend. You can expect to attend a monthly Cyclon planning committee meeting, which normally lasts about two hours, plus an additional 2-3 hours a month of volunteer time as you help develop a fun and exciting Cyclon. Contact Andrea and RJ at cyclon@tbn.ca for more information.
TBN Jersey
Jersey sales are expected to resume in the next couple of weeks; check here for details. We'll have short sleeve, long sleeve, sleeveless, vest and jackets.
Deals and discounts
As always, we encourage you to check out TBN's partner stores and service providers for special deals and discounts on bicycle-related gear.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.