Overnight trips
Just one trip on the horizon right now, and it's fully booked. Watch this space for future cycling and skiing adventures.
October 7-10
Thanksgiving in the County SOLD OUT
Check the website for details on how to join the waitlist for this trip, which takes you to a quiet country inn in the heart of Prince Edward County.
Contact Janet at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN
End of season pub night
Register now for our end-of-season pub night at the Duke of York, 39 Prince Arthur Avene, close to the Bedford Street exit of the St. George subway, on September 21. TBN will provide some snacks (so you have to register so we know how many to order). But you're on your own for drinks.

Help your club
TBN needs your help. For next year, we're looking for volunteers to join the TBN board for several positions, most importantly as secretary and as director for education events. Are you organized and efficient, and able to work with the rest of the board to run our monthly meetings? Or maybe you want to take over running TBN's Quick Release newsletter, which is set to become a once-a-year venture? Do you want to volunteer in some way, but you're not quite sure how you can help? Please contact TBN President Ian Rankin at president@tbn.ca.

Quick Release online
The summer edition of Quick Release is now available online, so please take a look at the news, pictures, events, and read the President's message.
The Fall/Winter edition will be released online in October -- there will be no printed and mailed-out copy. The TBN website has undergone considerable improvements in recent years and is now your primary source for ride schedules and all things TBN. Ride schedules in Quick Release may change after press date and you may end up at the wrong place and perhaps at the wrong time too.
We are grateful to Alexandra Djukic for her outstanding work as Quick Release editor over the last two years. But Alexandra is stepping down and so we are seeking a replacement for 2017.
Knee problems
We've all had those nagging knee problems that ruin a ride, so here are a few tips on how to avoid the issues, and what to do if your knees start giving you trouble. Knees are delicate joints, and too much stress can cause problems. Pain on the outside of your knee may indicate that your seat is a little too high, while pain on the inside can mean it's too low. But adjust things very slowly -- it's easy to overdo something like that.
Check out this article for more details on the possible problems and how to avoid them.
Ride with GPS
Most TBN rides are available on Ride with GPS as well as with paper maps and cue sheets. But you can also enjoy benefits of RWGPS premium membership without paying for a premium account? Just click on this link, and follow the instructions. If you already have a RWGPS account, you're good to go. If not, it takes only a minute or two to set up a free account.

As long as the ride is listed in the TBN Club section, you get the following benefits:
- One-click loading of the route to your Garmin device.
- You can customize the layout and font-size of the cue sheet PDF to the way you like it.
- Get turn-by-turn directions from the mobile app on your iPhone or select Android smartphones.
- And you can RSVP to rides.
You must be an active TBN member to get access to the free upgrade. If you have questions, please contact Joey at tourist@tbn.ca.
Be safe
Don't forget these important safety tips if you're riding in a paceline, or keeping close behind another rider. Communication is the most important thing -- call out hazards, and let your fellow riders know what you plan to do. Also important: Never overlap the wheel in front of you. You cannot predict when the rider ahead of you may need to move to one side to avoid an obstacle.

Register your bike
You can register your bicycles with the Toronto Police Service, which may help them track you down if your bike is stolen and then recovered. It's a simple online process -- all you need is the serial number of the bicycle, the brand and the colour, although the police holds occasional clinics too where you can register your bike in person. And don't scoff. There are TBN members whose bikes have been stolen and recovered, including the current editor of Chain of Events.

TBN on the Go
Re-introducing TBN's mobile app. This new app displays all upcoming rides and events and allow you to check the most current details in advance of the event or while on route. If you have any comments or suggestions about the app, please contact TBN's Technical Director Sandra.wong@tbn.ca.
Save with TBN
Dozens of firms, stores and services offer discounts to TBN members, so check here and remember to mention TBN when you shop for gear.
Remember to re-visit the TBN website before you head out in case your activity is cancelled or changed at short notice. Coordinators will always put safety first and cancel a ride if weather conditions pose a danger. Schedules and start locations can also change so don't rely on the Quick Release newsletter, which may be out of date.
You do not have to sign up for rides. Just show up at the start point and show your membership card to the ride leader.
Bring out a friend; non members pay $5.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.