Overnight trips
Take your cycling season to a new level with these great TBN overnight trips.
August 19-21
Rock Point Relaxer
Our second 2016 camping trip gives you the chance to cycle along the Lake Erie shoreline, starting from Rock Point Provincial Park. Two pancake breakfasts and provisions for two lunches will be provided, while the Saturday night dinner will be potluck. The cost is $40 for TBN members and $45 for non-members. Click here to register.
October 7-10
Thanksgiving in the County
If you liked Cyclon, you'll love our Thanksgiving weekend in Prince Edward County. Enjoy a 3-night stay in a charming country inn in the small village of Milford, surrounded by the natural beauty of “the County,” with great rides (including a ferry ride to one of the starting points), awesome breakfasts and the option of a gourmet Thanksgiving dinner.
Check the website to register for this trip.
Contact Janet at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN
Thursday is your day
We have two important deadlines coming up for events you'll not want to miss.
Register now for TBN's popular summer barbecue at TooGood Pond in Unionville this Sunday, August 7. 
We'll have a range of rides to the picnic site, and then you'll have plenty of time to eat, drink and chat before heading back out. Please register by Thursday, so we know how much food to order. Tourists, your ride begins this Sunday at 9:30, half-hour later than usual.
Thursday is also the final day for us to give the green light to our Thanksgiving weekend trip to Prince Edward County.
, We need just a few more people to sign up to guarantee our rooms at the inn. There will likely be more spaces after that date. But if we do not get enough names by Thursday, we will probably have to cancel the trip, so register now.
Did you miss Cyclon?
Sadly, there's not enough space at Cyclon for every member of TBN. But all is not lost. Check out this article (and two videos) from the local Kingston TV station, and get ready to join the fun next year.

Ride to Niagara and GO home
Check the website for details of our two Niagara-GO Home rides, where you ride to Niagara and return by GO Train. "Tourists" depart for a speedy ride from High Park on August 13, with "Urban Rollers" riding from Coronation Park at a more moderate pace on August 20. Space on the GO Train and at the restaurant is limited, so please register online. If not sure which group to join, check here.
We might also run a second annual Barrie-GO Home trip in late August for Tourists. Details to come on the website, and by email to members who have checked "tourist" in their profiles.
Quick Release online
The summer edition of Quick Release is now available online, so please take a look at the news, pictures, events, and see the President's message.
Please note that the Fall/Winter edition will be released online in October -- there will be no printed and mailed-out copy. The TBN website has undergone considerable improvements in recent years and is now your primary source for ride schedules and all things TBN. Ride schedules listed in Quick Release may change after press date and you may end up at the wrong place and perhaps at the wrong time too.
We are grateful to Alexandra Djukic for her outstanding work as Quick Release editor over the last two years.
Unfortunately, Alexandra is stepping down and so we are seeking a replacement for 2017. If you want to volunteer to produce and edit what will become an annual magazine, please contact publicity@tbn.ca.
Volunteer for volunteers
As mentioned in previous Chain of Events, TBN is looking for someone who can act as a volunteer coordinator, to work closely with the board and match our wonderful TBN volunteers to the tasks that need to be done. Please contact Ian Rankin at president@tbn.ca for more information.
TBN on the Go
Re-introducing TBN's mobile app. This new app displays all upcoming rides and events and allow you to check the most current details in advance of the event or while on route. If you have any comments or suggestions about the app, please contact TBN's Technical Director Sandra.wong@tbn.ca.
Paceline riding tips
Some of the faster "Tourists" enjoy riding in a paceline. It speeds up the pace and conserves energy. Pacelines are also popular on Wednesday Wheelies and Country Cruises. Find tips here on the Education page of the TBN website.

If you end up in a paceline but are unsure what to do, mention it to one of the more experienced cyclists and they'll be happy to guide you along.
Save with TBN
Dozens of firms, stores and services offer discounts to TBN members, so check here and remember to mention TBN when you shop for gear.
Remember to re-visit the TBN website before you head out in case your activity is cancelled or changed at short notice. Coordinators will always put safety first and cancel a ride if weather conditions pose a danger. Schedules and start locations can also change so don't rely on the Quick Release newsletter, which may be out of date.
You do not have to sign up for rides. Just show up at the start point and show your membership card to the ride leader.
Bring out a friend; non members pay $5.
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.