Overnight trips
Get a jump start on cycling season with the first of TBN's Spring/Summer trips.
May 20 - May 23
Niagara Hike and Bike
Our Niagara trip is almost full, with just one slot for a male participant who will share a suite with another male rider (two single rooms). Contact Carl Friesen at carl@showyourexpertise.ca to fill that slot or to join the waiting list.

June 18 - June 19
Registration will open on April 16 for the always popular two-day adventure from Toronto to Niagara Falls and back. Take the long route, from Toronto's High Park for back-to-back rides of over 160km each day, or the shorter version from Stoney Creek near Hamilton. The price includes motel and baggage transfer for this challenging, unsupported ride.
Contact Janet at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip or if you wish to lead one. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.
It will warm up, we promise

It's supposed to be warm out there right now, with spring flowers blooming or coming into bud, so we're posting this picture to remind you of what we have to come, even as the temperatures slither to single digits, positive or negative. In this weather it's extra important to check the TBN website before you head out for a ride in case it's just too cold, or the conditions are just too dangerous to ride.
And once the weather heads into a real spring or summer, TBN really has something for everyone, from bike trails to extended rides outside the city. Reconnect with old friends, and make our new members feel welcome.
Spring kickoff

TBN's spring kickoff is just a few weeks away, on Saturday, May 7, so mark your calendar now, and go online to register. The event offers breakfast followed by rides at different speeds and lengths. There will be competitions and plenty of prize giveaways. Cycle Toronto and Velofix will also be on hand. Bring a non-member guest (no cost) to show them what TBN is all about and you will both be eligible to win a $50 gift certificate from a local bike shop.
Don't miss this celebration, at Etienne Brule Park, just down the hill from the Old Mill subway station. Breakfast starts at 9am, and rides will depart between 1030 and 11am.
Please register in advance so we know how much food to order.
Cyclon signup
Cyclon, TBN's flagship annual event, opens for registration this Saturday, April 9. Sign up before May 31 to take advantage of the early bird price, and get ready for an exciting weekend in historic Kingston from July 29 to August 1. We will offer rides to suit all levels of cyclists, along with a Friday night get-together and and a fabulous banquet on the Sunday night, followed by a DJ hosted dance. Register here as of April 9.

Skills and safety
That nasty non-spring weather means we've postponed TBN's special two-session course on cycling skills and safety to a May date that's not yet finalised. Learn and practice basic riding skills, including dealing with streetcar and railroad tracks, how to signal your intentions to fellow riders in a group, and emergency evasive techniques. The course will take place over two evenings, likely in the east end of the city. Check the next issue of Chain of Events, or contact Wilma Sanson at education@tbn.ca or Joey Schwartz at advocacy@tbn.ca for details.
Let's car pool
TBN offers many rides that begin near a Toronto subway station, perfect for members without cars. But we also offer rides that begin in the country, notably on Wednesdays and weekends. Many members lack cars to reach the starting points of rural rides, and so the website includes a TBN Forum for members to post both offers and requests for a ride.
Check out tbn.ca/carpool to post your offer or request. You must be logged in to your TBN account to post to the Forum.
Download or print your map
Route maps for most TBN rides are available on the website, and while ride leaders will likely have some copies available, it's always best to print out your map before you leave home. And if you have a Garmin or other GPS gadget, you can download the route straight to your device, and let the gizmo beep at you if you end up taking a wrong turn.
Get your jersey
Sales of the very popular TBN cycling jerseys, jackets and vests continue, with a wide range of items available.

We need 10 orders to start a production run, and then it's about 5-7 weeks delivery.
Details here.
Please check your profile on the TBN website to ensure its up to date. If you move, or change any other information including email address, phone number, emergency contacts or anything else, please take a couple of minutes to edit your profile. Also remember to check off the activities and rides you typically do. Sometimes an important email is sent only to those people who checked a certain ride program box (eg news about a Saturday Morning Ride may be sent to those who check off that box). Log on to your account, click "view profile" at the top right of the screen, and edit away. Please also ensure you have checked off the box for Terms & Conditions.
This is also where you can offer to volunteer. As you know, TBN relies on volunteers for all its activities. If you can help, please complete that section.
Spread the word
If you have a friend that is a non member, but that you think might enjoy receiving these Chain of Events emails, please direct that person to www.tbn.ca/subscribe. _____________________________________________________________________________
Remember to re-visit the TBN website before you head out in case your activity is cancelled on short notice. Coordinators will always put safety first and cancel a ride if weather conditions pose a danger.
You do not have to sign up for rides. Just show up at the start point and show your membership card to the ride leader.
Bring out a friend; non members pay $5 (except May, when guest rider fees will be waived)
Remember to visit the TBN calendar of events to find out more about what's coming up.