Overnight trips
Our weekend biking trips are over for the season. But our ski season plans are up and running. We've already booked three weekends. Save these dates and watch for more details on the TBN website
January 16 – 18: YMCA Camp Wanakita in Haliburton

February 6 – 8: the Tulip Inn in Arrowhead Provincial Park

February 20 – 22: Wolf Den Hostel and Nature Retreat near Algonquin Park

Contact Jean at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a weekend or week-long trip or wish to lead one. Possible adventures could include Quebec, Stratford, Mennonite country and New York state. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.
Party plus prizes
Tickets are still available for the always anticipated TBN AGM Dinner & Dance on November 8. Sign up now to take advantage of our early-bird pricing. For $30 ($35 for non members), you get a great dinner and dancing, plus the chance to win fabulous prizes, including bike accessories, gift certificates, Second City tickets and a soon-to-be-announced grand prize worth over $400! You'll also get the chance to elect a new TBN board of directors and learn more about club activities.
kes Festivities take place at Whistlers Bar and Grill on Broadview (north of the Danforth). Click here to register.
The price increases to $35 ($40 for non members) on October 30.
Get out and ride
There is still plenty of time to ride your bike before it becomes too cold, and there are TBN rides to meet all rider categories. Check the TBN events calendar for details, and enjoy the magnificent fall colours in the city and beyond.
Hiking, walking, spinning, skating
Don't forget TBN offers a whole range of activities for that in-between season when it's a little too cold for some of us to ride a bike, but too early to ski. The City Walks program begins October 19, out-of-town hikes November 2, spinning commences November 5, and then skating on November 14.
Check the TBN website for details. More off-season events will be scheduled soon.
Hot off the press: Quick Release
 The Fall/Winter edition of Quick Release is on the website for your reading pleasure, and we'll be mailing it out shortly to those of you who opted-in for a printed copy. Sadly for TBN, Sharon Chadwick is stepping down after a magnificent two years of editing the Quick Release, and so we're seeking a replacement. If you like to write, please consider volunteering for this very rewarding position. You need a keen eye for detail and layout, and powers of persuasion to get members to submit articles. Contact publicity@tbn.ca if you can help.
Fall bike sale this Saturday
Vote for TBN
Vote TBN as your favourite bicycle club. Let's show readers of Get Out There Magazine that TBN is the finest in Toronto. You can then vote on numerous other categories.
TBN is run by its volunteers
TBN activities occur exclusively because of volunteers. Contact president@tbn.ca to learn how your contribution can help sustain TBN activities like Cyclon, Toogood Pond picnic, TNTO, hiking, skiing, skating, the new TBN jersey, the Alan Gordon Metric, Hairshirt, the QuickRelease newsletter and so many more programs that would not occur without volunteer support from members like you.
Deals and discounts - More partners just added
Don't forget to check out the GTA retailers and services that offer discounts to TBN members. Save money on bikes and accessories, as well as services such as tours, training sessions or a subscription to Pedal Magazine.
Check the events page on the website to decide what activity to do and remember you can print out your map, or download a ride to your GPS, before you leave home. Remember also to check the website before you leave home to ensure the event is still going ahead. If a ride is cancelled, you can still print out the map and join up with anyone else who shows. However, if you do go on a cancelled ride, please be aware that it's an unofficial ride not sanctioned by TBN.
Also check the TBN Forum as there may be some unofficial rides and events open to all.
Enjoy your rides and remember to visit the TBN calendar of events for up coming events.