Overnight trips
Check out the last two overnight trips of this cycling season. See below for details, and watch this space for details of new trips as they become available.
Simcoe Circle Trip
Sept 27-29
Cycle Canada is offering this trip exclusively for TBN members. Starting and ending in Newmarket; circle Lake Simcoe in three days with daily distances averaging 100 km.
The package includes two nights in motel accommodation (double occupancy), two dinners, two breakfasts, snacks, route maps, van support, and luggage transfer. That's one more dinner than originally planned, and all at the same low price. Sign up here.
Prince Edward County
Oct 10-13 
There is very limited space available for our Thanksgiving weekend trip to beautiful Prince Edward County. Sign up soon, and enjoy cycling on quiet country routes and staying three nights at Angeline's Inn in Bloomfield. Registration closes on Sept. 19.
Contact Jean at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a weekend or week-long trip or wish to lead one. Possible adventures could include Quebec, Stratford, Mennonite country and New York state. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.
Perfect riding weather
The weather's cooling down, but the sun's still out, so it's time to enjoy the last few weeks of the TBN cycling season before you have to dig out the winter gear and figure out whether or not to ride with studded tires. Right now is an ideal time to ride. Just look at the smiles on the faces of these Country Cruisers in the Niagara Wine Country.
Ready to dance?
Mark your calendar now for TBN's annual dinner, dance and AGM, November 8 at Whistler's Bar and Grill. The bar opens at 6, dinner follows at 7 and the annual meeting starts at 830. By 9, we'll start the dancing, so come and have fun. Tickets are $30 if you register before October 29 and $35 after that.
And of course it's not just a party. It's your chance to have your say in how the club is run, and to elect a new board of directors. Register here.
And another head's up
The Toronto fall bike show is coming up next month, a blow-out/clear-out of old stock including this year's bike models as local stores get ready for next season. The show takes place at Exhibition place on October 18. Admission is $5.
We have our winnersOur thanks to everyone who posted pictures of themselves with the bold new TBN jersey, and congratulations to the five winners: Jimmy Yeung (pictured), John Burdett, Chris Siebenmann, William Huggett and Marilyn Prole.

A special thanks to judges Kathleen Lau and Sandra Wong, for selecting the winners. Prizes included a month trial membership at WattsUp Cycling, movie passes and a certificate for a restaurant meal.
Remember you can still order a TBN jersey for only $59 all in, although it won't arrive until late Fall. Order here.
The latest issue of QuickRelease is available for download here.
The Newsletter Editor is seeking articles for the next issue; if you have any stories about TBN or non-TBN cycling adventures and/or something that would be of interest to TBN'ers, then please submit to newsletter@tbn.ca.
A new TBN Board is a comin'
TBN elects a new Board of Directors every November; being on the Board affords you, the member, an opportunity to impact the experience of other members in an extraordinarily rewarding manner. The Board works in a collaborative fashion to manage club activities, membership and finances.
Contact president@tbn.ca to learn how your contribution either on the Board, or in another volunteer capacity, can help sustain TBN activities like Cyclon, Toogood Pond picnic, TNTO, skiing, skating, the new TBN jersey, the Alan Gordon Metric, Hairshirt, the QuickRelease newsletter and so many more programs that would not occur without volunteer support from members like you.
Overnight trips
See the sidebar for our range of overnight trips, including an excursion around Lake Simcoe and the Thanksgiving weekend trip to Prince Edward County. Visit the website for details.
Deals and discounts - More partners just added
Don't forget to check out the GTA retailers and services that offer discounts to TBN members. Save money on bikes and accessories, as well as services such as tours, training sessions or a subscription to Pedal Magazine.
Check the events page on the website to decide what ride to do and remember you can print out your map, or download the route to your GPS before you leave home. Ride leaders will have some maps, but maybe not enough for everyone. The Sunday Tourist rides offer a choice of start times -- 8:30 am or 10 am.
Remember also to check the website before you leave home to ensure the ride is still going ahead. If a ride is cancelled, you can still print out the map and join up with anyone else who shows. However, if you do go on a cancelled ride, please be aware that it's an unofficial ride not sanctioned by TBN.
Tell us what you want to read about
We hope you've been enjoying this bi-weekly email (OK, sometimes tri-weekly because we've been out riding our bikes). Suggestions are welcome, from members, on what type of information to add or eliminate from these e-newsletters. Please contact publicity@tbn.ca and tell us your dreams and desires....that is, for the Chain of Events email.
Enjoy your rides and remember to visit the TBN calendar of events for up coming events.