Overnight trips
Get away on one of our popular overnight trips. For example, there are just four spaces left for the Simcoe Circle trip so remember to sign up early. Watch this space for details of new trips as they become available.
Tecumseth Tranquilizer August 22-24
Only 12 spots left for the final camping trip of the season. Come to Earl Rowe Provincial Park for a weekend of cycling in the Alliston area. In the evening, enjoy a night hike along the Boyne River Valley, or relax around the campfire.
Registration closes Sunday, August 17th.
Simcoe Circle Trip
Sept 27-29
Cycle Canada is offering this trip exclusively for TBN members. Starting and ending in Newmarket, you will circle Lake Simcoe in three days, with daily distances averaging 100km.
The package includes 2 nights’ motel accommodation (double occupancy), two breakfasts, snacks, route maps, van support, and luggage transfer. Sign up here.
Prince Edward County
Oct 10-13

Enjoy the colours of Thanksgiving Weekend in beautiful Prince Edward County, cycling on quiet country routes and staying three nights at Angeline's Inn in Bloomfield. Registration is now open.
Contact Jean at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a weekend or week-long trip or wish to lead one. Possible adventures could include Quebec, Stratford, Mennonite country and New York state. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN.
Quite the start to August
First Cyclon and then the Toogood Pond picnic.
Cyclon ventured the furthest ever from home, all the way to Ottawa, and it was a rousing success. The weather was perfect for four days of cycling in the region, including a day up in the spectacular Gatineau Hills, in Quebec. If you missed the sold out event this year, then you are strongly urged to sign up for Ottawa 2015, when registration opens early next year.
A week later, nearly 200 TBN'ers gathered for the annual Toogood Pond picnic in Unionville. Master Chefs, Joe Hickey and Dan Engels, cooked up the tastiest burgers and dogs we've ever had, with plenty of salad, plus water, juice and pop to wash it all down.
See more photos of both events on the TBN Photo Page
Sadly though, it was not all good news as there were three accidents at Cyclon: Both Sharon Chadwick and Fred Yagi crashed on the scenic but narrow pathway alongside the Rideau Canal. Fred was back on his bike within a few days, while Sharon experienced some lingering damage but hopes be riding again this month. The most serious injury was to the TBN Social Director, Susan Bishop, who was struck by the trailer of a vehicle, while cycling in Quebec. Susan was in hospital for five days and is now recovering from severe back trauma but is showing signs of a speedy recovery; you can wish Susan well on both the TBN Forum and Facebook posts that were started last week.
Your TBN jersey looks good and now it's a way to win good too! Just make sure there's a picture of you wearing the new club jersey, at any TBN event, between now and the end of August, and that the picture shows up on the official TBN Flickr page (visit www.tbn.ca/photo for instructions).
Prizes are:
- One month trial membership at WattsUp Cycling
- $50 gift certificate at a Toronto bar or restaurant
- Two movie passes for Cineplex
- $50 gift certificate valid at Cyclepath Toronto
So make sure someone shoots a picture of you or take a 'selfie' and get it posted to the Flickr site. (Note: Photos on the TBN Facebook page do not count.)
Also, the first two people to volunteer to choose the winners will each receive a $25 gift certificate at Cyclepath Toronto or MEC. Contact publicity@tbn.ca to become a volunteer judge.
Reminder that you can still order a TBN jersey for only $59 all in, although it won't arrive until late into Fall. Order here.
The latest issue of QuickRelease is ready for your reading enjoyment. If you opted-in for a hard copy, it will have landed on your doorstep last week; otherwise the electronic version of the newsletter is available for download here.
A new TBN Board is a comin'
TBN elects a new Board of Directors every November; being on the board affords you, the member, an opportunity to positively impact the experience for your fellow members in an extraordinarily rewarding manner. The Board works in a collaborative fashion to manage club activities, membership and finances. As of this time, there are three Board positions open for 2015: Treasurer, Education Director and Cyclon Director. Contact president@tbn.ca to learn how your contribution either on the Board, or in another vounteer capacity, can help sustain TBN activities like Cyclon, Toogood Pond picnic, TNTO, skiing, skating, the new TBN jersey, the Alan Gordon Metric, Hairshirt, QuickRelease Newsletter and so many more programs that would not occur without volunteer support from members like you.
Niagara Falls - GO Home - SOLD OUT YET AGAIN!
There is only so much room on the GO Train and at the restaurant, and so registration is now closed. If you did not register but wish to go, then you can always organize an informal ride by Labour Day, which is the final weekend of the GO Train to Niagara. The route maps are on the website, so feel free to 'borrow' them for your own rides, and then post the details to the TBN Forum under Unofficial Events.
Overnight trips
See the sidebar for our range of overnight trips, including an excursion around Lake Simcoe and a Thanksgiving weekend trip to Prince Edward County. Visit the website for details.
Deals and discounts
Don't forget to check out the GTA retailers and services that offer discounts to TBN members. Save money on bikes and accessories, as well as services such as tours, training sessions or a subscription to Pedal Magazine.
Old bikes wanted
Every year, the Morning Glory Cycling Club launches a used bicycle drive to donate to members of the Thorncliffe Park community, a high-density, low-income neighbourhood. Any size or type of pre-loved, but no-longer-wanted, bike can be dropped off at any of the Gears bike stores in the GTA for refurbishment and then given a new home later on. Last year the club donated and refurbished almost 130 bikes. Can TBN members help them do better this year?
Check the events page on the website to decide what ride to do and remember you can print out your map, or download the route to your GPS before you leave home. Ride leaders will have some maps, but maybe not enough for everyone. The Sunday Tourist rides offer a choice of start times -- 8:30 am or 10 am.
Remember also to check the website before you leave home to ensure the ride is still going ahead. If a ride is cancelled, you can still print out the map and join up with anyone else who shows. However, if you do go on a cancelled ride, please be aware that it's an unofficial ride not sanctioned by TBN.
Anything to sell?
You can sell your old bike or rack or shoes or anything bike related on the TBN Forum. Just login and select the Buy and Sell section of the Forum. Please delete your post after its sold, or if you changed your mind.
You can also use the Forum to arrange car pooling, to organize an unofficial ride, to discuss a TBN ride or event, or to simply post interesting factoids about cycling that would appeal to TBN members.
Tell us what you want to read about
We hope you've been enjoying this bi-weekly email (OK, sometimes tri-weekly because we've been out riding our bikes). Suggestions are welcome, from members, on what type of information to add or eliminate from these e-newsletters. Please contact publicity@tbn.ca and tell us your dreams and desires....that is, for the Chain of Events email.
Enjoy your rides and remember to visit the TBN calendar of events for up coming events.