Get away for a weekend or longer on one of our popular Overnight trips
Recent Overnight Trips sold out quickly so remember to sign up early; watch this space for details of new trips as they become available. Kentucky Cycling Vacation:
May 17-26 SOLD OUT Contact Dinsmore on to get on the waiting list. Waterloo Wramble:
June 20-22
Registration is open for the two-night trip to the country roads of the Waterloo Region, just over an hour away from the GTA. Stay in the comfortable suites at Wilfred Laurier University and enjoy rides that are suitable for Easy Roller and Country Cruise riders. This is one of the best regions to cycle in Ontario and a favourite destination for TBN members.
Toronto-Niagara-Toronto Overnight
June 14-15

One of the most popular TBN events is the two day TNTO; registration opens in April.
Toronto-Niagara-Toronto Hairshirt
June 22
Save the date for the legendary TNT Hairshirt that is a one-day double-century endurance ride that has attracted dozens of TBN members and non-members, annually for 35 years; click here to register online.
Cylcon - Ottawa
August 1-4
Cyclon - the premiere long weekend event of the summer - is in Ottawa for the first time. Join 200 fellow cyclists in discovering this great region of cycling, culture, arts, food and much more. Registration opens in April; visit the Cyclon page of website for details.
Contact Jean at if you have any suggestions for a weekend or week-long trip or wish to lead one as we seek to extend this very popular TBN program. Possible adventures could include Quebec, Stratford, Mennonite country and New York state. Trip leaders have their fees paid by TBN. A reminder that we are looking for an experienced leader for the Pelee Wheelie cycling/camping trip over Labour Day weekend; contact Jean if you can help.
Finally....Two brave TBN souls bundled up for a Wednesday Wheelie last week, and 11 riders set off for the first Tourist ride of the year on Sunday. It's been a long and brutal winter, but this marks the official start of the formal TBN cycling season.  
There's a full complement of rides coming up, so let's have fun out there. Remember you should print out your map for the ride you want to do, from the TBN web site, before you leave home. Ride leaders will have some maps available, but not enough for every rider. But be careful too. Not all the snow and ice has melted yet, especially on shady trails and there are still areas that are not safe for riding. Watch out also for the debris from the December ice storm and for the huge potholes that our dismal winter carved deep into Toronto streets. As always, check the website for our calendar of events for details on all this year's rides and to download the maps or links for your GPS. Check in regularly for updates and new events.
Quick Release The Spring 2014 issue of QuickRelease is now available for download and members who opted-in for a paper copy should have received the newsletter in the mail by now.
If you wish to receive future copies by mail, rather than looking at the electronic version, then please login to the website and click on the Edit Profile link at the top right of screen.
Corrections to page 12 of mail-out version only: May 18: High Park to Streetsville
May 19: Holiday Agincourt to Stouffville The next Quick Release will be issued in June. TBN Cycling JerseyWe are closing in on 100 sales of our fabulous new jersey. If you ordered early, your jerseys should arrive in the next few weeks, so stay tuned for instructions on how to pick them up.  
The rest of you still have time to place your order so that you can 'dress to impress' this spring. Given the long winter and late spring, TBN is extending the $40 members' special price to April 30; after that, the members' price increases to $50 until early June. The jerseys will still be available after Bike Week ends, but at the regular retail price of $59. Even that's an incredible deal -- this quality of jersey can retail for up to $100. Two things to remember: jersey wearers on TBN rides get a chance to win a prize valued as high as $200! The sooner you place your order, the less you pay. How can you go wrong?
UpcomingRide Leaders' Workshop: April 9
A training session for new and experienced ride leaders with valuable tips on how to lead TBN rides takes place next week. Remember if you lead four rides over the course of a year, you qualify for free membership; Register here for the evening session.
Spinning Sessions end April 9
There are just two more sessions on the spin bikes to help get you ready for the great outdoors; click here for details.
Maintenance at MEC: April 17
Come on over for a free in-store session that will provide you with the basic skills to keep your ride safe and smooth. TBN members who show their membership card will also get 10% discount that night. Register here for April 17.
Beyond the Road Bike: April 22
Tandem, recumbent, touring bike and more; see these bikes up close and learn about how and why they are ridden. Click here to register for what should be a fascinating evening of bicycle hardware.
Ride Coordinators
Here are the ride coordinators for the 2014 TBN cycling season. The rides, whether in the city or beyond, offer a wide range of cycling options, from the very gentle to the extremely strenuous. The rides offer a perfect chance to meet up with fellow TBN members and to stay fit ahead of longer trips like Cyclon, Niagara Falls, and other adventures.
"Wednesday Night" is seeking ride leaders for the third Wednesday of each month, so please contact to volunteer.
Ride with GPS
For this season we will post maps of all TBN rides on the website so you can preview or print before the ride. We also aim to put all rides online at If you have a GPS unit, you can download the route and the cue sheet. TBN is seeking "map makers" to input our existing paper maps into RideWithGPS. Please contact Dave at to help.
TBN Partner of the Week
Cyclepath is one of TBN's longest serving partners, with a selection of bikes, accessories, clothing and services. So check out one of their stores as you'll be pleasantly surprised.

And as well as that, check all the other GTA retailers and services that offer discounts to TBN members. Save money on bikes and accessories, as well as services such as tours, training sessions or a subscription to Pedal Magazine. Tips & TrainingThe ever-expanding Education Program includes helpful tips about events we sponsor and support, as well as tips and events on things like travel and staying fit. If you have suggestions for the Education page or ideas for topics, please contact
Unofficial eventsBe sure to check the TBN Forum for unofficial events organized by TBN members. All members are welcome to organize an unofficial hike, bike ride, ski trip, skate, yoga, pub night or anything at all. You can post details to the Forum and on the TBN Facebook page.
TBN Website Update
The very busy TBN Technical Committee continues to refine and improve the look of the website. You may have noticed that Forum and Events Calendar swapped positions, and the rarely-used News Blog now appears near the bottom of the home page. The photo slide show must now be user-initiated due to a change made by Flickr. Further improvements are on tap and input from members is always welcome.
Enjoy the start of the cycling season and remember to check the TBN calendar of events frequently for everything that's coming up