Deadline to register is this Sunday!
Tecumseth Tranquilizer: Sep 13-15
Book soon for this September camping trip just north of the GTA. Click here for more details.
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More weekend trips, including some winter events, are soon to be announced. Contact Brenda at weekendtrips@tbn.ca if you have any suggestions for a trip, or wish to lead one.
Remember to check the TBN website up to two hours before the scheduled start time in case rides are cancelled at the last minute!
Greetings TBN'ers!
Could it really be September? Where did summer go? Well, some of it was left at Point Pelee National Park, where a group of TBN'ers spent a fabulous weekend of camping, cycling and hiking.
TBN'ers are encouraged to:
1. Share Photos
Although we have almost 500 visitors to the TBN Facebook page, there are hundreds of TBN members who are not on Facebook. When you post to Facebook, also send in the best of your pics and videos so that they can be loaded to the official TBN Flick page. In fact, there is now an easier process for sending photos to 'PhotoAdmin', so check the TBN Photo Page for instructions.
2. Nominate the 2014 TBN Board
Every year, the Board undergoes a nomination process to replace vacant positions. In 2014, the following board positions will become vacant:
- Weekend Trip Director
- Treasurer
- VP Touring is seeking a partner who will eventually take over this role
The current Board needs you to nominate current TBN members that you believe would be suitable for these roles and you may wish to put your own name forward to the nominating committee. If so, please contact Manuela at education@tbn.ca and type "nominating committee" in the subject line. Also, you can always volunteer to help out in any other board or non-board roles as more ride coordinators and leaders are needed for next season, plus more help is needed in Education, Publicity and the website. 3. Lead a Ride
TBN members are welcome to organize both official and unofficial rides. If you want to create an official ride e.g. the ' Toronto - Niagara - GO Home' ride, then contact touring@tbn.ca or president@tbn.ca for guidance.
If you want to promote an unofficial ride, then feel free to post to the TBN Forum under Unofficial Events/Meet Ups. You can also correspond with all members through the members only section of the website. For example, if you want to create a 'Tourist' type unofficial ride, you can send an email to all 200 members who checked off 'Tourist' in their personal profile. Contact webadmin@tbn.ca for assistance on how to do so.
4. Design a TBN jersey
Isn't it time for an new TBN cycling jersey? Stay tuned for the 'Design a TBN Jersey Contest'. The winning design - as voted by TBN members - will be submitted to a top quality manufacturer of cycling jerseys and then go on sale to members. The Board has decided to subsidize the cost, so you will have an added incentive to buy at least one jersey in time for the start of the 2014 season. Details to be announced this Fall.
5. Give Feedback
TBN is run by cycling enthusiasts and members like you that have chosen to volunteer. Every volunteer invests a great deal of time and effort in their chosen field, from designing cycling routes, to organizing social events, to managing the finances of the club, and so much more. We hope you, as a TBN member, are getting the most out the club, however, we do want to hear from you on ideas for improvement. So here is your chance to weigh in by sending an email with suggestions to:
...and any other suggestion you may have to help make your club experience even better.
Upcoming Events TBN offers group rides every Friday, Saturday, Sunday (with up to five rides), Tuesday and Wednesday (two rides). Check out the upcoming calendar of events and remember to check regularly for updates and new events.
Can-Bike Training: September 9
An opportunity for free Can-Bike training, courtesy of TBN; this is a hands-on session covering basic bike handling and traffic dynamics, including: ABCD bike check, straight line cycling, shifting and more. Space is limited, sign up here.
Stay tuned for Hiking and City Walk schedules commencing in October and soon to be posted on the website under Programs/Fall Winter Events. New hiking trails for 2013! Tour of Madawaska: Oct 12-14
A favourite of members for many years although not an official TBN ride. The tour is open to anyone who is prepared to deal with tough climbs and fall weather. The rewards in terms of fall colours, scenery and good food make the effort all the more worthwhile. There is a choice of three distances each day, ranging from 60-160 km. For more information, or to register, contact Madawaska Kanu Centre.
Save the date of November 9 for the Annual AGM Dinner & Dance at Whistler's Bar & Grill; registration will soon be available on the TBN website.

Check here for upcoming TTC Route Diversions
It's Contest Time
Its been a while so we are re-launching our popular contest section. This week, we ask you to describe your TBN highlight of Summer 2013 in a single paragraph; was it Cyclon, a day trip to Niagara Falls, a June Easy Roller ride? Send your entries to contest@tbn.ca by Sunday September 8. One contestant will win a $25 gift certificate from Cyclepath Norco Yonge Eglinton. Winner will be announced in the next edition of Chain of Events and may even find their entry published in an upcoming Quick Release newsletter.
Nothing good to watch on TV?Here's a classic
Donate a Used Bike

Cheers and Happy Cycling!