Waterloo Wramble: Aug 16-18

A fabulous mid August weekend with accommodations at Laurier, check here for details. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Pelee Wheelie: Fri, Aug 30 to Mon, Sep 2
Over the Labour Day long weekend, camp in the group site at Wheatley Provincial Park and cycle the Pelee area that is located on the north shore of Lake Erie in the agricultural and wine region of Essex County. Click here for more details. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tecumseth Tranquilizer: Sep 13-14 Book soon for this September camping trip just north of the GTA. Click here for more details.
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Other new trips are in the works, but we would love to hear from you about trip ideas, if you'd like to organize a trip, or, even better, get on the planning committee! Your feedback and discussion on existing trips and new trips is vital to the program. Contact Brenda at weekendtrips@tbn.ca.
Greetings TBN'ers!
Another fabulous Cyclon weekend has passed and created life-long memories. Cyclon wrapped up its second year in Peterborough with sunny, albeit slightly cooler weather. Plenty of photos will soon be posted on the TBN Flick page.

The big news coming out the weekend was the announcement of next year's event. For the first time ever, Cyclon is going to the capital.....yes, Ottawa!!

A larger city, a larger venue, and proximity to some of the best riding in Ontario and Quebec, this promises to be a Cyclon of a lifetime.
Of course, the riding never ends, so be sure to check here for an updated ride and events calendar. This Sunday features another annual favourite TBN social activity.
Caution about the Friday Night Ride schedule in the Quick Release June issue. Some of the information was incorrect, so please refer to the FNR page of the website for correct details.
Upcoming Events TBN offers rides every Friday, Saturday, Sunday (with up to five rides), Tuesday and Wednesday (two rides). Check out the upcoming calendar of events and remember to check regularly for updates and new events. Toogood Pond Picnic, Unionville: Sunday, August 11 
All rides on Sunday converge in Unionville for TBN's annual Toogood Pond Picnic. Mingle with your fellow cyclists from all ride categories. Non Members are gladly welcome too!
Register here if you are attending the annual picnic so that the organizers can plan for the catering. If you registered but need to cancel, then please click here.
Toronto-Niagara-GO Home: Saturday, August 17
Sign up for the annual Toronto-Niagara-GO Home on August 17 that begins by the lake just west of Bathurst and ends at Applebee's Restaurant in Niagara Falls, followed by a GO train ride back home. 150 km's, mostly flat. On the train, your bike can be securely stored on one of two specially assigned Bike Trains. Note that you must register so that we can reserve at the restaurant and also account for how many bike slots we'll need on the Go Train.
Check out some great weekend weekend events in the side-bar to the right.
TBN in the News Did you see the article in The Toronto Star on Saturday, July 13, 2013? If not, then click here to read all about it!
About Prior Rides and Events
You may not be aware that you can always find a prior ride or event by going directly to the TBN Events page on the website. This is useful if you miss a ride but want to read about where it went, or if you want to download the map that was attached to that event.
Bicycle Recycling Do you know of any friend or family that has an unwanted bike cluttering up their basement or garage; if so there are numerous organizations in the GTA that will accept same e.g. 'MGCC/Gears Used Bike Drive Initiative into Thorncliff Park' or http://torontobicyclerecycling.wordpress.com/ or http://www.2wheels.ca/ or www.communitybicyclenetwork.org or www.bikestocuba.org.

Check here for upcoming TTC Route Diversions
Take 5 minutes to enjoy this video, and, as they say, don't try this at home!
Cheers and Happy Cycling!