is close to sold out so book now

Less than 20 tickets remain to the premier cycling event of the season. Click here for details, or go straight to the registration page. Don't delay; Cyclon sold out quickly last year and looks to be even better this year!
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Waterloo Wramble - August 16-18
A great looking mid August weekend with accommodations at Laurier, check here for details - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tecumseth Tranquilizer - Sept 13-14
Book soon for this September camping trip just north of the GTA, details here.
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Other new trips are in the works, but we would love to hear from you about trip ideas, if you'd like to organize a trip, or, even better, get on the planning committee! Your feedback and discussion on existing trips and new trips is vital to the program. Contact Brenda at weekendtrips@tbn.ca. |
Greetings TBN'ers!
So far, July is proving to be somewhat 'wet' in terms of riding conditions but at the same time many a successful TBN event has already taken place, from Canada Day rides, to the Group Riding Education event, to the Tour of Niagara one-day event and many more!
Obviously lots more coming up so check here for an updated ride and events calendar.
Day Trips
New this year, TBN is offering day trips in the Niagara region and another Easy Roller ride takes place on July 27 that is an excursion from Burlington to Niagara Falls. The 'ER' ride is a warm-up for the annual Toronto-Niagara-GO Home on August 17 that begins downtown and ends at a restaurant in Niagara Falls, followed by a GO train ride back home. Newsletter 
A reminder that the June - August 2013 Quick Release newsletter issue is posted online under About TBN.
Also, one must 'opt- in' to receive a hard-copy mailed out version so check your profile to confirm your preference.
Upcoming Events
TBN offers rides every Friday, Saturday, Sunday (with up to five rides), Tuesday and Wednesday (two rides). Check out the upcoming calendar of events and remember to check regularly for updates and new events. Tour de France Night: Tuesday, July 16 Join friends to watch Stage 16 of Tour de France, from 6pm onwards, at Sports Centre Cafe located at 49 St Clair Ave W. Details here. Toogood Pond Picnic: Sunday, August 11
Register here if you are attending the annual picnic so that the organizers can plan for the catering of same. Pelee Wheelie: Friday, August 30 to Monday, September 2
Over the Labour Day long weekend, camp in the group site at Wheatley Provincial Park and cycle the Pelee area that is located on the north shore of Lake Erie in the agricultural and wine region of Essex County. Click here for more details.
TBN website

The TBN website is a great resource, not only for events, but also for photos at TBN photo gallery on Flickr and the Retailer and Services Discount Program.
What can you do? Log in, click view profile and then edit profile; if you do not recall your password, then click forgot password.
Look down the list and start filling in some of the blanks and checking off some of the boxes, notably:
Types of Rides
Ride Classifications
Terms & Conditions
Quick Release Newsletter
By indicating the types of rides you participate in, you can be informed of any last minute change of plans e.g. cancellation due to rain.

Check here for upcoming TTC Route Diversions
Do you recognize this rider after a 19km hill climb? 
Tour de France is underway, here is the official website
TSN2 is carrying Tour de France in Canada; check website for schedule.
Cheers and ride safe!