Enjoy the Beauty of Toronto to Start Your Weekend
Friday Night Rides are designed to enjoy the beauty of Toronto at a relaxed pace. We take in local festivals, iconic Toronto sights such as Luminato, Toronto Island, The Waterfront Trail, Beaches Jazz Festival, The Distillery District, Harbourfront, Brickworks, Fireworks and Music if that's happening on a Friday night! We love to hear ideas and suggestions from you! These are social, leisurely rides. We stop at a few points along the way to regroup, enjoy the views. Please plan on staying Apres Ride for a bite to eat and drink with the group. Ride start locations will be in places that have easy access to TTC, trails and a parking lot whenever possible. Start locations vary from week to week and will always begin fairly close to the waterfront. Do you have questions or suggestions? Send an e-mail to fridays@tbn.ca | Upcoming events