Wednesday Wheelies


It's not just about the riding; it's equally about the scenery. The goal of our group is cycle the most beautiful countryside in southern Ontario within an hour's drive from Toronto. Every Wednesday from late March until late November we ride through the fertile landscapes of Toronto's agricultural hinterland, up and down the rolling hills of the Oak Ridges Moraine, and in and around the remarkable landforms of the Niagara Escarpment.

Our starting points vary weekly from Markham to Keswick, and from Campbellville to Courtice.  Short and long (60 to 90 km) routes are offered each week.


You must wear a helmet to join any TBN ride, and you must register for each event separately. All our events will be open for registration 7 days before the event.

Since we do not ride with a "sag-wagon" or a "sweep", riders should be prepared to keep a "Tourist" pace (upwards of 20 kph) so as not to fall behind. Though we try to ensure that all riders have a companion on the route, this isn't always possible and so we ask that all riders come prepared to be self-sufficient. As a minimum, this means they should be able to read maps and fix a flat tire on the side of the road.

Guest Riders?

Wednesday Wheelie rides are open to TBN members only. If you are not a yet member, check out TBN's 30-Day-Trial membership, where, for $10, you can join and try out as many rides as you want during a 30 day period before committing to a full TBN membership. 

Wednesday Wheelie/Freedom Friday Program Coordinators:

Realizing that the Wednesday Wheelie and Freedom Friday programs had a lot of overlap, the two programs have merged. Our coordinators are: 

  • Martin Lansche
  • Dale Alexander
  • Nathalie DaSilva
  • Bran Brcic

For more information, please contact the Wednesday Wheelie coordinators, at

Upcoming Rides

2025 Special Events

  • WW Collingwood  
  • Tue Jun 10 - Thu June 12

Additional Links

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