Sunday Leisure Wheeler – Asphalt Trail

  • 20 Apr 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Shoppers' World-Victoria Park & Danforth
  • 24


  • Not a member but you want to try this out? Sign up for our 30-Day-Trial membership and you can try out multiple TBN rides. See: for details.
  • This free option is for TBN Members only.
    Registration will be open from the Monday before the event for 6 days. Please make cancellations no later than Saturday 12:00 PM. so that people on the waitlist may fill the spot.

Registration is closed

You MUST register for the ride in order to join the ride.

Not a member but you want to try this out? Sign up for our 30-Day-Trial membership and you can try out multiple TBN rides.   See:  for details.

If you need to cancel, please do so by Saturday 12:00 PM

N.B. This is a Leisure Wheeler level ride. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to your riding level, click here.

Remember: Helmet and Spare Inner Tube. Make sure that your tires are pumped up BEFORE the ride.

After a downhill start on the streets, explore the Martin Goodman trail to Cherry Beach and the new route up Cherry St. Lunch stop at The Distillery. Bring your own lunch or buy something.  Return by Bayview, Don Valley Trail and Taylor Creek. 

Distance:26 km

Start: Shoppers' World, Victoria Park and Danforth  Plan to arrive at 9:45 AM in order to start promptly at 10:00 AM. 

Leader: Roy        

Route: Asphalt Trail

Map and Cuesheet: Click  HERE

Weather:  The ride could be cancelled because of the weather (e.g. too cold, too wet, too windy).  If the weather looks doubtful, check the website after 8am on the day of the ride.

 If you have not registered for the ride, you may NOT  join the ride.

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