Queen's Gambit- Picnic at the Farm
Remember: Helmet and Spare Inner Tube. Have your tires pumped up before the ride.
This ride will be open for registration beginning Monday April
You MUST be registered for the ride, in order to participate
Not a member but you want to try this out? Sign up for our 30-Day-Trial membership and you can try out multiple TBN rides. See: https://tbn.ca/join for details.
Remember: Have your tires fully inflated, wear your helmet and bring a spare inner tube for YOUR bike.
Arrive at 9:45 AM, 15 minutes before the start of the ride so that you will not keep your group waiting- (Allow for TTC delay, parking problems, getting your bike ready)
Picnic at the farm: Starting in Queen's Park we will ride west along Harbord, south on Shaw then east to explore the Garrison Crossing. An easy ride along the Lakeshore will take us to Cherry St. We will then ride along Commissioners. As we return up Logan, we can stop at Brick Street Bakery to buy a treat (or bring your own lunch) for a picnic lunch at the Riverdale Farm
START: 10:00 AM- KIng Edward's Statue, Queen's Park
Distance: 20 km
Leader: Sandra
RWGPS: Queen's Gambit #2
Map and Cuesheet: Click HERE
Weather: The ride could be cancelled because of the weather (e.g. too wet, too windy). If the weather looks doubtful, check the website after 8:00 AM on the day of the ride.
Unsure of your level section?
This is a Leisure Wheeler level ride. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to your riding level, click here.