Sunday Urban Roller - Western Trails tour (new route pending)

  • 11 May 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Etienne Brule Park (near Old Mill TTC)


  • This option is available for those who have signed up (or want to sign up) for the 30 Day Trial membership. Valid for 30 days from date of sign up, not the event date.
  • This free option is for TBN Members only.


Sunday Urban Roller - Western Trails Tour

Please note: You must register to participate on the ride. Registration is free for TBN members. Non-members can now purchase a 30 day trial membership for $10 here and then can register for the ride. If you cannot attend, please cancel your reservation by Saturday. Attendance will be checked at the start.

We are still under Covid-19 guidelines, so remember to bring and wear your mask in appropriate situations and maintain social distancing. Also, a helmet.

This is an Urban Roller level ride. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to your riding level, click here. For a more nuanced description check this page.

NOTE: The  new pedestrian bridge over the QEW at Ogden Avenue is now open. There will be a revision to the route shown here as a result.

For this ride we will be heading from Etienne Brule Park down Royal York Road to the Lakeshore and the Waterfront Trail, then up north via Etobicoke Creek and combination of mostly quiet streets and trails. After lunch we will use a bit of the more recent cycling infrastructure along Eglinton, then back into quiet streets, finishing up travelling alongside the Humber River on the lesser used west side road.

Lunch is at a (newish to us) Tim Hortons at the 30 km point, a bit past halfway. You may still wish to bring your own lunch and snacks to avoid lineups and contact.

Meet at  Etienne Brule Park for a 10 am start.

The updated Ride with GPS map for the route is linked below.

If a ride is cancelled due to weather or other circumstances a cancellation notice will be posted around 8 am on Sunday morning. Please check before leaving for the ride.

See you Sunday

Level:   Urban Roller

Distance:   46 kms

RwGPS:   Western Trails Tour 2024

Leader:   Chris Siebenmann

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