You must register to participate in all Freedom Friday rides. If you have not registered, you may NOT join the ride.
Not a member, but you want to try this out? Sign up for our 30-Day-Trial membership and you can try out multiple TBN rides. See for details.
Driving directions: click here Weather: click here
This ride offers a gentler option for cyclists who prefer a more leisurely pace. This group will wait at turns and after big hills, but we expect you to be prepared to complete the route, with just a few pauses to regroup. Please arrive a little early so you can introduce yourself to the ride leader and tell them you want to join their group.
For other riders, this a Tourist level ride, and you should be prepared to be self-sufficient. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to your riding level, click here.
Routes 48km (Gentler), 69km (Preferred), 82km: click here.
Ride leader: Martin Lansche
For those following the the 69 and 82 km routes, you'll take quiet country roads to the Hockley Valley General Store for a lunch/washroom break. The short route includes a couple of km of rail-trail with a mid-ride stop in Tottenham at Salvatore's Bakery (and coffee shop). All 3 routes cross Highway 9 at stop lights for safety reasons.
Washroom facilities: portable toilets are sometimes available in the parking area, or at the nearby park to the north. Alternatively, there are nearby Tim's & McD's on Hwy 27.
Check the website 2 hours before the start time - the ride could be rescheduled or cancelled at the discretion of the organizers.
Contents Copyright © The Toronto Bicycling Network Inc.