A ride from the village of Ashburn through the Durham County drumlins. The lunch stop is at the picnic tables in Enniskillen. You can either bring your lunch, or purchase something at the adjacent Enniskillen General Store (website). The medium and long routes can also stop for refreshments at Tyrone Mills.
You must register to participate in all Freedom Friday rides. If you have not registered, you may NOT join the ride.
Not a member, but you want to try this out? Sign up for our 30-Day-Trial membership and you can try out multiple TBN rides. See https://tbn.ca/join for details.
Click for: 1. Directions to Start 2. RWGPS Routes (Preferred route is 62K) 3. Weather
Ride Leader: TBD
This is a Tourist level ride. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to your riding level, click here.
Cancellations – if you register and later determine that you cannot ride – please, please Cancel Your Registration as soon as possible so that the Ride Leader has an accurate list of participants.
Check the website 2 hours before the start time - the ride could be rescheduled or cancelled at the discretion of the organizers.
Contents Copyright © The Toronto Bicycling Network Inc.