This event has been cancelled.
Pictures by Kevin Anderson
This hike starts at Scotsdale farm which was an internationally renowned breeding farm for Arabian horses and shorthorn beef cattle. The farm is still a working farm and is managed by the Credit Valley Conservation Authority. There are lots of rolling hills, see the Great Esker, and numerous limestone rocks.his is winter hiking so please come prepared with proper clothing, fTootwear and crampon style icers
Please keep in mind that this is Winter Hiking so come prepared with proper clothing, footwear and crampon style icers.
Please Register - Only REGISTRANTS are permitted to participate in this event. At this time we are accepting "Non-Member" registrations
If you have registered but can't attend, log in, click on "Already registered", then cancel.
Distance: 13 km
Pace: Moderate (~3.5 km/hr)
Terrain: Moderate - some hills and/or poor footing. Depending on the weather conditions it may be advisable to bring icers and/or hiking poles
Leader: Tom Bissegger
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