City Walk - St Clair to Dupont Walk

  • 17 Nov 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (EST)
  • St Clair Subway Station (Yonge Line), at the exit on the south side of St Clair East


  • This free option is for TBN Members only.
  • If you are not a member of TBN, the fee is $10. (Your registration will automatically cancel if payment not received within 15 minutes).

Registration is closed

This is our longest walk of the year, but there are many early drop-out points. For the eighth time, David G. will lead us on a walk from St Clair Station (Yonge Line) through the Vale of Avoca, to the Brickworks, up Moore Park Ravine, through Mount Pleasant Cemetery, along the Belt Line, through Cedarvale and Nordheimer Ravines, and down the Casa Loma stairs to Dupont Subway station. Light hiking shoes or boots, suitable for gravel multi-use paths would be appropriate.

Meet at 10 AM at St Clair Subway Station (Yonge Line), at the exit on the south side of St Clair East, at street level. (This is just east of the south-east corner of Yonge & St. Clair). Total distance to Dupont Station is approximately 16 Km, but there are alternate drop out points with access to transit. Break points and early exit points at:

  • Evergreen Brickworks (3.7 Km) - bathroom stop
  • Davisville Station (7 Km) - early exit to subway, and coffee/bathroom break
  • Eglinton West Station (11.5 Km) - early exit to subway
  • St Michael's College/Loblaws (14.5 Km) - bathroom break
  • St Clair West Station (14.5 Km) - early exit to subway
  • Dupont Station (16 Km) - official end of walk
  • Restaurant to be determined (16-18 Km) 
    • Govinda's - 16.8 Km
    • The Quail: A Firkin Pub on Yonge - 17.8 Km
  • Rosedale Station (17.8 Km) - (optional additional walk to Line 1 subway)

Several bathroom breaks are planned, as well as one coffee stop. At the end we may go to Govinda's (on Avenue Rd) or The Quail: A Firkin Pub (on Yonge).

The route is available on Ride with GPS at:

There are currently no scheduled subway closures for this date, but please check for any changes.

We are accepting Guest registrations.

If you have not registered for the walk, you may NOT join the walk.

If you have registered but can't attend, log in, click on "Already registered", then cancel.

If the walk is cancelled due to weather or other reasons, notice of the cancellation will be posted on the website around 8 am on the day of the walk. Please check before leaving for the walk.

REMINDER: A mask and hand sanitizer are recommended.

For more information check the TBN website under PROGRAMS - FALL/WINTER - CITY WALKS ( for a description of the City Walk program. If you have any questions, email me at

John Burdett - City Walk Coordinator

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