A ride starting in Inglewood, just off of Hwy 10. We begin riding toward Caledon East on the Caledon Trailway and cross Hwy 10 on the pedestrian bridge over the highway. Then a bit of escarpment country and a short stretch of gravel on Escarpment Sideroad as we head west, skirting past Belfountain on the way to lunch at the Tin Roof Cafe in Erin. Dipping southwards, we pass through Cheltenham, then take Boston Mills Rd back to Inglewood.
Start location: Lloyd Wilson Centennial Arena in Inglewood. If this parking lot is full, consider parking at the library at the top of the hill.
Parking at Inglewood arena
Bike route: Ingle-Erin 66k (Ingelwood to Erin 66 km)There are 16 km of gravel roads + trails on this route.
Only registrants are permitted to join the ride. If have registered and then find out you can't come, please cancel your registration.
Check the website before you head to the start in case the event is cancelled or rescheduled at the organizer's discretion.
This is a Tourist level ride. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to you, click here. If Tourist is your skill level, then you should feel comfortable on this ride.
More on Program-X. View upcoming rides on the program page. How to be added to the mailing list, how to contact the coordinator. Click here.
Climbing switchback on Forks of the Credit Road
Elora - Cataract Trailway at Mississauga Rd
The gravel indications below have been edited, and are correct.
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