Ride Leader : Terry Walsh
Note: start time is 6 00 pm
We have to start rides earlier because it gets dark around 8 pm & it doesnt make sense to ride for 1 hour.
Driving directions: Click here.
Route link:https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39765147
Address of start: East York Community Recreation Centre 1081 Pape
Weather forecast:Click here If the roads are wet 2 hours before the ride will be cancelled,
Guest riders can join a Friday Night Ride, or Wednesday Night Ride for free.
If you have not registered for the ride, you may NOT join the ride.
A ride around Midtown, Forest Hill, the Kay Gardner Belt line, many streets and bike paths along main streets. Alot of back streets provide quiet routes that can be otherwise relaxing. Washrooms may be available at Pharmacies, Big stores and gas stations
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