Ravine Ride -Mary’s Meander with a Special Historical Tour of the Quays

  • 16 May 2024
  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM (EDT)
  • Taddle Creek Park- North of Bedford exit of St. George Station
  • 9


  • This free option is for TBN Members only.

    Registration for this ride will be open for 6 days before the event beginning on the Wednesday before the ride
    If you need to cancel, please do so by Monday at 12:00 PM
  • If you are not a member of TBN, the fee is $10. (Your registration will automatically cancel if payment not received within 15 minutes).
    Registration for guests will be open for 6 days before the event beginning Wednesday before the ride.
    If you need to cancel, please do so by Monday at 12:00 PM

Registration is closed

N.B. This is a Leisure Wheeler level ride. If you are uncertain whether this level is appropriate to your riding level, click here.

If you need to cancel please do so by 12:00 PM the day before the ride

Mary’s Meander with Special Historical Tour of the Quays

Remember: Helmet, Spare Inner Tube... and REGISTER

Lower Bayview, a bit of the Martin Goodman Trail, a visit to the Quays and then Fort York.  Take the Garrison Crossing to Wellington and then a special visit to Victoria Memorial Park. Return via Blue Jays Way, Beverly St. and St. George. On this tour, Mary will be showing us artistic installations  pertaining to the special history of Toronto. Coffee at B Street in the RCM

Start: 10:30 a.m. in Taddle Creek Park, one block north of the Bedford exit of the St. George subway station

Distance: 20 km

Leader: Mary

RWGPS: Mary's Meander with a Special Historical Tour of the Quays

Map and Cue-sheet: Click Here

Weather: Click here  The ride could be cancelled because of the weather (e.g. too cold, too wet, too windy).  If the weather looks doubtful, check the website after 8:30 AM on the day of the ride.

We are accepting Guest rider registration.

 If you have not registered for the ride, you may NOT  join the ride.

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