The Sunday Tourist program is pleased to have Danny Harvey return to lead one of his 100 km, immunity boosting, gastronomic rides!
This ride will be run at Tourist B (24-28 kph) and Tourist C (20-24 kph) levels. For details concerning these Sunday Tourist rides, please click here.
Click the Register button on this page to register for Tourist B.
Click here to register for Tourist C.
Note: you can always choose to ride with a different level at the start of the event.
The route follows the wide, protected bicycle lanes on University Avenue, then onto Bremner Blvd, eventually arcing south onto the Martin Goodman Trail. At Windermere Ave we jog north to The Queensway and follow some long, straight sections to Oakville, many of which can be safely cycled at the Tourist B pace (24-28 km/yr).
Our lunch stop is at Aroma Cafe, which has an excellent selection of nutritious and delicious food and drink offerings.
The return ride follows, in part, a more meandering route.
All those who make it back to the starting point are welcome to join the trip leader for drinks and snacks in the courtyard of his condo building at 391 Brunswick Ave, just a few blocks west of the starting/ending point.
PARKING: For those arriving at the starting point by car, there is Green P parking next to the Bedford St subway exit.
ALTERNATIVE STARTING POINT: Those who wish may join the group at the SE corner of Windermere and The Queensway, where we will briefly regroup. We will arrive no sooner than 30 minutes after the start time. There is Green P parking near Windermere and Lakeshore for those arriving by car, and there may still be places to park for free on Ellis Ave and perhaps elsewhere.
We are accepting "guest rider" registrations for this event. Guest registrations are $10 payable via PayPal.
If you have not registered for the ride, you may NOT join the ride.
To sign up to receive a weekly Tourist reminder email - Click here.
Ride leader: Danny Harvey
Distance: 100 km
Online map and cue sheet: RWGPS

PLEASE PRINT THE CUE SHEETS & MAPS, OR DOWNLOAD THE GPS FILES BEFORE ATTENDING THE RIDE. (The ride leader does not provide maps or cue sheets).
Helmets are required.
Will be cancelled up to 2 hours before the start of the ride if significant rain is forecast with moderate or higher likelihood for any time during the ride.