Do you want to increase your cycling skill level? Be safer and more defensive rider Improve your safety on the road? Increase your confidence about riding on city streets? Whether you are a new or a long-term rider, there is always something to learn, some skills to improve, and, admit it, some bad habits to unlearn. Perhaps you are a TBN ride leader, but you are uncertain about what skills / behaviours to demonstrate and encourage as you lead your ride.
CAN-BIKE provides structured classes to help you with all this and more! CAN-BIKE provides a Canada-wide skills curriculum as defined by Cycling Canada, and is recommended by provincial governments and many Canadian cities.
Our CAN-BIKE classes are open to all TBN members. While we encourage our ride leaders to register, they are not prioritized over non-ride leaders.
When you register for this theory class, you will receive an email detailing how to complete an additional required online prerequisite education session. This will take you approximately 45 minutes. Please complete this before the Friday session.
We are not limiting attendance for the Friday Evening Theory Class. The Theory Class will cover the guiding principles of safe cycling: See, Be Seen, Be Predictable. Those principles then tie into the main CAN-BIKE mantra Maneuverability, Visibility, Predictability, and Communication (MVPC). The Theory Class also cover urban riding, rural riding, group riding, cold weather riding, warm weather riding, nighttime riding, human kinesiology/energy systems, and navigating.
Note: In order to complete either Level 3 or Level 4, students must also register and complete the complementing practical session. Click here to be taken to that practical class event on April 13.
Contents Copyright © The Toronto Bicycling Network Inc.